   (A)   The Minnesota Accessibility Code, established pursuant to M.S. §§ 326B.01 - 326B.998, as they may be amended from time to time, and as provided for in Minn. Rules Ch. 1341, as it may be amended from time to time, is adopted as the building code for accessibility in this city. M.S. § 326B.16 provides that a city which has not adopted the State Building Code is nevertheless responsible for the enforcement of the Minnesota Accessibility Code, and this section is intended to comply with that requirement.
   (B)   No building subject to the provisions of the Minnesota Accessibility Code shall be constructed, reconstructed or substantially altered, or undergo a change in use within the city unless the building will comply with the Minnesota Accessibility Code after the construction or alteration is completed or the change in use occurs.
   (C)   Any person who constructs, reconstructs or substantially alters any building subject to the Minnesota Accessibility Code, or changes the use of any such building shall, before construction or alteration begins, certify to the City Clerk that the applicable provisions of the Minnesota Accessibility Code will be complied with.
   (D)   No person shall be issued a building, zoning or land use permit unless they certify that any structure to be located on the property shall be constructed or reconstructed in compliance with the handicapped accessibility provisions, if they apply to the structure to be constructed, substantially altered or reconstructed.
   (E)   A violation of this section is a misdemeanor punished as provided for in § 10.99.
   No residential building contractor, residential remodeler, or other person who is required to be licensed by the state under the provisions of M.S. §§ 326B.805 – 326B.89, as they may be amended from time to time, and no person employing a residential contractor, who is required to be licensed, shall be issued a building, zoning or land use permit unless that contractor is licensed. Any person applying for a permit who is required to have a state license but who does not have a state license shall be reported to the State Commissioner of Commerce, who may begin an action against the person.
Penalty, see § 10.99
   After the date of the adoption of this code, only manufactured homes which comply with the Manufactured Home Building Code established by M.S. § 327.31 may be located in and used as a dwelling within the city. A mobile home, manufactured home, house trailer or other mobile dwelling which does not comply with the Manufactured Home Building Code and which is used as a residence after the date of the adoption of this code is a nonconforming use as defined by M.S. § 462.357, Subd. 1e, as it may be amended from time to time, and this nonconforming use may be continued, including through repair, maintenance, replacement, restoration or improvement but if the nonconformity or occupancy is discontinued for a period of more than one year, or the nonconforming use is destroyed by fire or other peril to the extent of greater than 50% of its market value and no building permit is applied for within 180 days of when the property is damaged, any subsequent use or occupancy of the land or premises shall be a conforming use or occupancy.
Penalty, see § 10.99
   Amateur radio support structures (towers) shall not exceed a height above ground level of 70 feet, unless a conditional use permit has been granted by the City Council. They shall be mounted on the roof of a dwelling or other building or located in the rear yard unless there is not sufficient space to erect them in those locations. They shall be installed in accordance with the instructions furnished by the manufacturer of that tower model. Because of the experimental nature of the amateur radio service, antennas mounted on a tower may be modified and changed at any time so long as the published allowable load on the tower is not exceeded and the structure of the tower remains in accordance with the manufacturer's specifications.
   (A)   Findings. The City Council makes the following findings regarding the effect sexually oriented businesses have on the character of the city's neighborhoods. In making these findings, the City Council accepts the recommendation of the Report of the Attorney General's Working Group on the Regulation of Sexually Oriented Businesses dated June 6, 1989, a copy of which is adopted by reference and included in Appendix II of Chapter 119 of this code. This § 150.05 shall have no force and effect until the City Council accepts these recommendations by resolution of a majority of its members, using the model resolution contained in Appendix I of Chapter 119 of this code.
      (1)   Sexually-oriented businesses have an impact on the neighborhoods surrounding them which is distinct from the impact caused by other uses.
      (2)   Residential and commercial neighborhoods located within close proximity to sexually oriented businesses experience the following negative impacts:
         (a)   Increased crime rates, particularly in sex-related crimes such as rapes, prostitution, indecent exposure and other lewd and lascivious behavior;
         (b)   Property values which are either diminished or fail to appreciate at the rate of other comparable properties not located in proximity to sexually oriented businesses;
         (c)   Increased transiency and decreased stability of ownership;
         (d)   Deteriorated neighborhood appearance from litter and graffiti;
         (e)   Sex-related harassment of residents and customers by motorists and pedestrians;
         (f)   A perception that the area is “unsafe;” and
         (g)   Difficulty in attracting and retaining customers, employees, and desirable tenants.
      (3)   The adverse impacts which sexually oriented businesses have on surrounding areas diminish as the distance from the sexually oriented business increases.
      (4)   The adverse impacts of sexually-oriented businesses are exacerbated when the uses are located near each other.
      (5)   The presence of liquor establishments in the immediate vicinity of sexually oriented businesses also compounds the adverse impacts on the neighborhood.
      (6)   Sexually oriented businesses can exert a dehumanizing influence on persons attending places of worship, children attending day care centers or schools, and people using public parks and libraries.
      (7)   Sexually oriented businesses can significantly contribute to the deterioration of residential neighborhoods and can impair the character and quality of the residential housing in the area where they are located, thereby exacerbating the shortage of affordable and habitable housing for city residents.
      (8)   The concentration of sexually oriented businesses in one area can have a substantially detrimental effect on that area and on the overall quality of urban life. A cycle of decay can result from the influx and concentration of sexually oriented businesses. The presence of such businesses is perceived by others as an indication that the area is deteriorating and the result can be devastating: other businesses move out of the vicinity and residents flee from the area. The resulting decline in real estate values erodes the city's tax base and contributes to overall urban blight.
      (9)   Land use regulations are appropriate to minimize the detrimental effects that sexually oriented businesses have on adjacent land uses.
   (B)   If the city has not adopted zoning regulations for sexually oriented businesses, as defined by § 153.03, then a sexually oriented business may locate only in those areas of the city which the City Council determines that the predominant use of the land is for commercial or industrial purposes.
   (C)   No person may operate a sexually oriented business on property, any part of which is within the area circumscribed by a circle that has a radius of 250 feet from any of the uses listed below. Distances must be measured by following a straight line, without regard to intervening structures or objects, between the closest points on the boundary lines of the property parcels where the two uses are located. This distance requirement applies to the following uses:
      (1)   Property used or zoned for residential uses;
      (2)   A day care facility, school, library, park, playground, state or federal wildlife area or preserve, religious institution, or other public recreational facility;
      (3)   Premises licensed under Chapter 112, Liquor Regulations; and
      (4)   Another sexually-oriented business.
   (D)   These provisions, along with Ch. 119, are intended to supercede the provisions of M.S. § 617.242, as it may be amended from time to time, and render M.S. § 617.242 inapplicable as authorized by the statute.