The examples of Group I, II and III Offenses, set forth below, are characteristic of those offenses which have been historically judged to be of such a nature so as to warrant those penalties established for the group:
   (a)   Group I Offenses, in general, may be defined as those infractions which are of a relatively minor nature and which cause only a minimal disruption to the organization in terms of a slight, yet significant, decrease in organizational productivity, efficiency and/or morale. Group I Offenses, if left undisciplined by the proper authority, will usually cause only a temporary or minor impact against the organization, unless such acts are compounded over time. Group I infractions will remain in the employee's personnel file for a twelve-month period, at which time the disciplinary notice will have no force or effect, provided that no further offenses occur.
   (b)   Group II Offenses may be defined as those infractions which are of a more serious nature than Group I Offenses and which, in turn, cause a more serious and longer lasting disruption to the organization in terms of decreased organizational productivity, efficiency and/or morale. Group II Offenses, if left undisciplined by the proper authority, can cause a serious and longer lasting minor impact against the organization than Group I Offenses. Group II infractions will remain in the employee's personnel file for a two-year period, at which time the disciplinary notice will have no force or effect, provided that no further offenses occur.
   (c)   Group III Offenses may be defined as those infractions which are of a very-serious or, possibly, criminal nature and which cause a critical disruption to the organization in terms of decreased productivity, efficiency and/or morale. Group III Offenses, if left undisciplined by the proper authority, may cause a long lasting and serious impact upon the organization. Group III infractions will remain in the employee's personnel file for a three-year period, at which time the disciplinary notice will have no force or effect, provided that no further offenses occur.
   Group I Offenses
      First offense         Instruction and cautioning
      Second offense      Written reprimand
      Third offense         Three-day suspension without pay
      Fourth offense      Ten-day suspension without pay
      Fifth offense         Termination
      (1)   Discourteous treatment of the public;
      (2)   Tardiness, failure to commence duties at the beginning of the work period or leaving work prior to the end of the work period;
      (3)   Leaving the job or work area during regular working hours without authorization;
      (4)   Making preparations to leave work without specific prior authorization before lunch, an official break time or the specified quitting time;
      (5)   Neglect or carelessness in signing in or out;
      (6)   Unauthorized absence from work;
      (7)   Creating or contributing to unsanitary or unsafe conditions or housekeeping;
      (8)   Distracting the attention of others, unnecessary shouting or demonstration, or otherwise causing disruption on the job;
      (9)   Malicious mischief, horseplay, wrestling or any other undesirable conduct, including the use of profane or abusive language;
      (10)   Failure to cooperate with other employees as required by job duties;
      (11)   Failure to use reasonable care of City property or City equipment;
      (12)   Neglect or carelessness in the observance of official safety rules or a disregard of common safety practices;
      (13)   Failure to observe department rules;
      (14)   Obligating the City for any expense, service or performance without authorization;
      (15)   Failure to report accidents, injuries or equipment damage;
      (16)   Disregarding job duties by neglect of work or reading for pleasure during working hours; and
      (17)   Unsatisfactory work or failure to maintain the required standard of performance.
   Group II Offenses
         First offense         Instruction and cautioning and/or up to a three-day suspension without pay
         Second offense      Written reprimand and/or up to a ten-day suspension without pay
         Third offense         Up to 30 day suspension or termination
      (1)   Sleeping during working hours;
      (2)   Reporting for work or working while unfit for duty;
      (3)   Being in possession of or drinking alcoholic beverages on the job (undercover officers excepted);
      (4)   Conduct violating morality or common decency, e.g. sexual harassment;
      (5)   Unauthorized use of City property or equipment;
      (6)   Threatening, intimidating, coercing or interfering with other employees;
      (7)   Willful failure to sign in or out when required;
      (8)   Failure to report for mandatory or emergency overtime work without good reason;
      (9)   Willful failure to make required reports;
      (10)   Solicitation on City premises without authorization;
      (11)   The making or publishing of false, vicious or malicious statements concerning employees, supervisors or the City or its operations;
      (12)   Refusing to provide testimony in an administrative hearing or action;
      (13)   Giving false testimony during a complaint or grievance investigation or hearing;
      (14)   Unauthorized posting or removal of notices or signs from bulletin boards;
      (15)   Distributing or posting written or printed matter of any description on City premises, unless authorized;
      (16)   Willful disregard of this personnel policy;
      (17)   Use of abusive, threatening or obscene language towards supervisors or fellow employees; and
      (18)   Unauthorized political activity.
   Group III Offenses
         First offense      Up to ten-day suspension and/or termination
      (1)   Wanton or willful neglect in the performance of assigned duties and/or in the care, use or custody of City property or equipment. Abuse or deliberate destruction in any manner of City property or property of employees;
      (2)   Signing or altering another employee's time card or the unauthorized altering of one's own time card;
      (3)   Falsifying testimony when accidents are being investigated; falsifying, or assisting in falsifying, or destroying any City records, including work performance reports; or giving false information or withholding pertinent information called for in making an application for employment;
      (4)   Making false claims or misrepresentation in an attempt to obtain any City benefit;
      (5)   Gambling on or during working hours;
      (6)   Stealing or similar conduct, including destroying, damaging or concealing any property of the City or of other employees;
      (7)   The use of narcotics or the sale of narcotics;
      (8)   Fighting or attempting injury to other employees, other persons or supervisors;
      (9)   Carrying or possessing firearms on City property at any time without proper authorization;
      (10)   Disclosing confidential information or misuse of City records or information without prior authorization;
      (11)   Instigating, leading or participating in any unauthorized walkout, strike, sit-down, stand-in, refusal to return to work at the scheduled time for the scheduled shift or other concerted curtailment, restriction or interference with work in or about the work areas;
      (12)   Dishonesty or any dishonest action. Examples of what is meant by "dishonesty" or "dishonest action" include, but are not limited to: theft; pilfering; opening desks assigned to other employees without authorization; theft and pilfering through lunch boxes, tool kits or other property of the City or other employees without proper authorization making false statements to secure an excused absence or to justify an absence or tardiness; and making, or causing to be made, inaccurate or false reports concerning any absence from work; and
      (13)   Insubordination by refusing to perform assigned work or to comply with a written or verbal instruction of the departmental supervisors.
(Ord. 2453.  Passed 4-10-95; Ord. 3263.  Passed 11-25-19.)