(a)   The social media policy is intended to provide guidelines to ensure that social media tools are used properly and to address potential risks. The policy is designed to protect City employees and ensure consistency across the departments. Every employee is responsible for complying with the following at work and outside of work.
   (b)   The lines between public and private, personal and professional can be blurred in online social networks and whatever you post on your personal account will likely reflect on the City of Geneva. Therefore, be aware of your association with the City and thoughtful of how you present yourself online. Be mindful that despite all privacy controls, whatever you publish can be seen by many different people.
   (c)   Employee's personal use should not be attributed to the City’s or any department of the City.  An employee's use and comments made at social media sites are subject to First Amendment protections. However, any personal use must be conducted in such a manner that a reader would not think that the employee is speaking for or on behalf of the City.  If you list the City as your employer on your personal social media profiled, any information you post may be held to a higher level of scrutiny.
   (d)   Personal use of social media must be in conformance with relevant portions of City workplace policies, laws and regulations, including but not limited to, harassment and discrimination policies, confidentiality policies, ethics rules, code of conduct, workplace violence, etc.
   (e)   Employees should not give employment references online. Such references must be handled by human resources.
   (f)   Refrain from using social media while on work time or on equipment we provide, unless it is work-related as authorized by your manager or consistent with the Company Equipment Policy. Do not use City email addresses to register on social networks, blogs or other online tools utilized for personal use.
   (g)   Any information that is considered confidential shall not be released on any social media account. Do not post internal reports, policies, procedures or other internal business-related confidential communications.
   (h)   Your social media accounts may be subject to monitoring without notice or consent if these sites are accessed on City property. Violation of any of these policies may result in disciplinary action.
   (i)   To support the City’s goals, the City may utilize social media and social network sites to further enhance communications with its residents. City officials and authorized City representatives have the ability to publish articles, facilitate discussions and communicate information through various social media related sites to conduct City business.
   (j)   All City social media sites shall be approved and reviewed by the City Manager or their designee and published using approved City social networking platforms and tools.
   (k)   All City social networking sites shall adhere to applicable state, Federal and local laws, regulations and policies.
   (l)   City social networking sites are subject to applicable Ohio public records law and relevant City records retention schedules apply to social networking content.
   (m)   The City reserves the right to restrict or remove any content that is deemed in violation of the policy, unappropriated in any way or violates any applicable law on their social media sites.
   (n)   All City social media representatives shall be trained regarding the terms of this policy and understand their responsibilities to review the content they are posting and ensure it is in compliance with the policy and all applicable laws.
   (o)   All employees and any authorized people representing the City via social media outlets must conduct themselves in an appropriate manner at all times they are representing the City.
   (p)   Anyone in violation of this policy may be subject to disciplinary action or further legal action.
(Ord. 3263.  Passed 11-25-19.)