(a)   A performance evaluation is designed to help the City, the supervisor and the employee measure how well the employee is performing the job and to provide a tool for management decisions regarding training, assignment, promotion and retention of employees.
   (b)   An employee shall be evaluated semi-annually from date of hire or the date of the last promotion. Special evaluations may be made if authorized by the employer or the designee, and may include a step increase. Probationary employees shall be evaluated at the midpoint of their probationary periods and, again, immediately prior to the completion of the probationary period.
   (c)   Each employee shall be provided with a copy of the performance evaluation. The supervisor shall discuss the report with the employee and shall counsel the employee regarding his or her career and any improvement in performance which appears desirable and/or necessary.
   (d)   Employees shall be given the opportunity to add comments to their evaluation forms. All employees shall be required to sign the evaluation form to verify that the employee has seen the completed document. The employee's signature does not mean agreement with the evaluation. The supervisor shall provide each employee with a copy of the evaluation, and one copy shall be retained in the employee's personnel file.
(Ord. 2453.  Passed 4-10-95; Ord. 3263.  Passed 11-25-19.)