(a)   Appointments to vacant positions, either from internal promotion or selection from outside job applicants, shall be made based solely on the applicant's knowledge, skills and abilities, and other job-related qualifications, as ascertained through fair and practical selection methods.
   (b)   An applicant shall be eliminated from consideration if the applicant:
      (1)   Does not possess the knowledge, skills and abilities necessary to effectively perform the duties of the vacant position;
      (2)   Has made a false statement of material fact on the application form or supplements thereto;
      (3)   Has committed or attempted to commit a fraudulent act at any stage of the selection process;
      (4)   Is an alien and is not legally permitted to work; or
      (5)   Fails to meet the standards set or any other reasonable and legal grounds relating to the requirements of the position.
   (c)   If an applicant is hired and it is subsequently discovered that any of the above disqualifying criteria applies, the employee will be terminated for dishonesty, incompetency, nonfeasance or malfeasance.
(Ord. 2453.  Passed 4-10-95; Ord. 3263.  Passed 11-25-19.)