Outside the fire limits of the City, dwellings, private garages and barns, separated by at least twelve feet from other buildings, may be roofed with approved vertical grain or edgegrain wooden shingles. The combined thickness of each five shingles measured at the butts shall be not less than two inches. The exposure of such wooden shingles to the weather shall not exceed, on roofs greater than one-third pitch, five inches for sixteen-inch shingles or five and one-half inches for eighteen-inch shingles, nor, on roofs with less than one-third pitch but not less than one-quarter pitch, four inches for sixteen-inch shingles, four and one-half inches for eighteen-inch shingles or six and one-half inches for twenty-four inch shingles. Such shingles shall be firmly nailed to the roof deck with noncorrodible and rust-resistant nails according to accepted good practice.
(Ord. 988.  Passed 9-11-50.)