(a)   Every establishment desiring to locate and/or obtain an occupancy permit in the Industrial and/or Planned Unit Development-Industrial District shall submit evidence to the satisfaction of the Administrator that its activities comply with the criteria established in the Schedule of District Regulations, as set forth in Section 1268.05, and, further, that the environmental impacts resulting from such activities shall not violate the following performance standards:
      (1)   Air pollution.  Establishments emitting air pollutants affecting ambient air quality shall conform to all Ohio Environmental Protection Agency (OEPA) regulations and show evidence of a current air permit.
      (2)   Water pollution.  Establishments emitting solids, liquids and/or other matter into or onto bodies of water or the ground shall comply with the regulations of the OEPA, the Ashtabula County Health Department and the City of Geneva.
      (3)   Vibration.  No vibration shall be permitted which is discernible without instruments at the property line boundary of the establishments creating such vibration or beyond any boundary of the district in which the establishment is located.
      (4)   Smoke, fly ash, dust and dirt.  No establishment shall exhaust or discharge into the air any quantity of fly ash, smoke, dust, dirt or similar form of particulate matter, except as permitted by the Air Pollution Standards of the OEPA.
      (5)   Odors.  No emission shall be permitted of odorous gases or other odorous matter in such quantities as to be readily detectable beyond the property line of any establishment creating such odorous emission.
      (6)   Glare and exterior lighting.  No direct glare from floodlights, from high- temperature processes, such as combustion or welding, or from any other source, shall be visible from the property line of any establishment.
      (7)   Solid and liquid wastes.  No discharge of liquid and/or solid waste into any public water or sewerage system, lake, stream, ditch or other body of water, wetlands, floodway, swale, dry retention pond, or other intermittent facility for water storage or management, or onto or into the ground, shall be permitted, except as approved by the City of Geneva, the Ashtabula County Health Department, the OEPA, the Ohio Department of Natural Resources and/or the U.S. Corps of Engineers.
      (8)   Heat.  No establishment shall produce heated or cooled air, water or other matter in such quantity or in such manner as to adversely alter the natural temperature of the air, water or other matter beyond the property line of the establishment.
      (9)   Radioactivity.  No establishment shall produce, store, transfer or use radioactive materials in any manner hazardous to human health and/or property.
      (10)   Electric or electronic disturbance.  No establishment shall produce electrical or electronic disturbances perceptible beyond the property line of the establishment.
      (11)   Fire and explosion hazards.  Materials and processes having the potential for fire explosion hazards shall not be permitted in close proximity to residential areas where they constitute undue safety hazards.  When permitted, such uses shall be controlled by the  requirements of this Zoning Code, the Fire Prevention Code and such other regulations as the City of Geneva shall adopt.
      (12)   Noise.  Noise which is determined to be objectionable at the property line of the establishment creating such noise, due to volume, frequency or beat, shall be prohibited.
      (13)   Noxious gases or fumes.  No establishment shall emit noxious gases or fumes, except as permitted by the regulations of the OEPA and the Ashtabula County Health Department.
      (14)   Miscellaneous hazards.  Miscellaneous hazards not specifically addressed by the performance standards established herein shall be made known to the Administrator by any establishment proposing to locate in an Industrial District.  Regulation of such hazards shall be determined by the Planning Commission.
      (15)   Enclosure and screening of stored materials.  Open storage of materials in any required front setback or side setback adjacent to a street shall be prohibited.  Any other outside storage shall be located or screened so as not to be visible from any Residential District.
      (16)   Open testing procedures.  Open testing procedures of materials shall be permitted in conformance with all performance standards established herein.
   (b)   Where questions exist regarding compliance with these standards by a proposed industry, the Administrator may request a determination by the Planning Commission whose decision shall be final.
   (c)   The following special provisions shall apply to all Industrial Districts:
      (1)   There shall be no outside storage.
      (2)   No truck docks shall be located on the front of buildings.
      (3)   Prior to applying for zoning permits, uses proposing to locate in the Industrial District zones shall submit detailed landscape and architectural plans to the Planning Commission for its approval.  Such plans must be in harmony with the standards established for the P.I.D. zones by the Planning Commission.
      (4)   Front elevations of the building shall be "architecturally treated" with stone, brick, precast concrete, stucco (drivit) or wood, as approved by the Planning Commission.  The buildings on a corner lot shall have both exposed sides so treated.
(Ord. 2337.  Passed 10-20-92; Ord. 3227.  Passed 4-23-18.)