1246.03  STREETS.
   (a)   In General.  The arrangement, character, extent, width and location of all streets shall conform to the current Comprehensive Plan for the City of Geneva.  The design of proposed streets shall provide for both the continuation of existing streets and access to adjacent, unplatted lands so that the entire area can be served with a coordinated street system.
   (b)   Cul-de-Sacs and Dead-End Streets.  Streets designed to be permanently dead-ended shall not be longer than 1,000 feet and shall be provided at the closed end with a turn-around having an outside pavement diameter of at least eighty feet and a street property line diameter of at least 100 feet. 
   If such a street is of a temporary nature and a future extension into adjacent land is anticipated, then the turning circle beyond the normal street width shall be in the nature of an easement over the premises included in the turning circle, but beyond the boundaries of the street proper.  Such easements shall be automatically vacated to abutting property owners, when the dead-end street is legally extended into adjacent land.  If such dead-end street extends only one lot depth past a street intersection, no turn-around will be required. 
   The subdivider shall be required to reserve for public use a strip of land five feet in depth and extending the entire width of the right-of-way at the end of all dead-end streets.  No person or persons shall have access across this property until an adjacent subdivision is developed and streets in such development are dedicated for public use.  The cost of paving such five-foot strip shall be borne by the subdivider connecting into such streets.
   (c)   Street Classifications.
      (1)   "Arterials" are streets designed and intended for continuous and rapid movement of traffic between points of heavy traffic generation and from one section of the community to another.  They should have as few intersections with minor streets as possible.  Arterials should traverse the community and should be spaced approximately one mile apart.
      (2)   "Collector streets" are streets designed and intended to provide a traffic route from local streets to major arterial thoroughfares.  These streets should be spaced at least one-fourth of a mile apart.
      (3)   "Local service streets" are designed and intended to provide direct access to individual residential lots and should be laid out so that their use by through traffic will be discouraged.
      (4)   "Industrial streets" are streets designed and intended to provide direct access to industrial parcels where heavy volumes of truck traffic and larger vehicle loads are expected.
   (d)   Intersections. Streets shall be laid out to intersect as nearly as possible at right angles and no street shall intersect any other street at an angle of less than seventy-five degrees.  Intersections containing more than four approaches shall be prohibited.  The centerlines of opposing streets shall be aligned whenever possible;  otherwise said centerlines shall be offset a minimum of 200 feet.
   (e)   Corner Radii.  Property lines at street intersections shall be rounded with a radius of not less than fifty feet for arterials, collectors and industrial streets and thirty  feet for local service residential streets.  Chords or cutoffs may be permitted in places of rounded corners.
   (f)   Horizontal and Vertical Alignment.  Horizontal and vertical alignment shall meet the following minimum standards:
Local Ind.
Local Res.
Centerline radius
Sight distance
Minimum gradient
Maximum gradient
Vertical curve length
   (g)   Right-of-Way Widths.  Right-of-way widths shall be as follows:
      Street Classification      Minimum Right-of-Way (ft.)
      Arterial            100
      Collector            80
      Industrial            60
      Local Service            60
   (h)   Street Names.  Street names shall be as approved by the Planning Commission.  Names shall not duplicate existing street names.  The Commission may adopt policies, as deemed appropriate, to guide the naming of streets.
(Ord. 2381.  Passed 11-22-93.)