(a)   For City residences or businesses: the base unit shall be the single-family, three- bedroom home with an average flow of 360 gallons per day.  The fee for this unit shall be three thousand dollars. ($3,000.00).
   (b)   Non-City residents or businesses: will be charged a 100% surcharge to the calculated City resident, or business rate.
   (c)   (1)   For all connections other than the single-family, three-bedroom residential, the average daily flow shall be determined from Table A-1 for Design Flow Requirements set froth in the Ohio Administrative Code 3745-42-05, a copy of which shall be maintained at the Office of Wastewater Treatment for reference (also available at http://www.epa.state.oh.us/dsw/rules/42-05.pdf).  In no event shall a tap-in fee within the City limits be less than this three thousand dollar ($3,000.00) minimum.
      (2)   When applying Table A-1 for Design Flow Requirements, Item #3 under the Food-Service Operation/Restaurant section specifically shall not apply in a manner that would require a design flow of 100 gallons per seat for calculating tap-in fees.  Other Food-Service Operation/Restaurant design flow guides may apply.
   (d)   The design flow requirement for car washes shall be 500 gallons per bay.
   (e)   The above operational procedures may vary in some instances and may not be all inclusive.  Any variances must be approved by the City Manager.
   (f)   The sanitary sewer tapping permit fee shall be paid upon issuance of the permit.
(Ord. 2246.  Passed 1-8-90; Ord. 2961.  Passed 3-24-08; Ord. 2978.  Passed 12-8-08.)