(a)   Upon a declaration of default and revocation, termination or nonrenewal of a cable franchise, the affected franchisee shall do everything in its power to ensure that all subscribers receive continuous, uninterrupted cable service regardless of the circumstances.
   (b)   In such a case, Council may direct and require the affected franchisee to continue to operate the system for a period of up to fifteen months in order to allow Council time to award a new franchise or to allow the affected franchisee to complete the sale of the cable television system.
   (c)   In the interim fifteen-month period during which the affected franchisee continues to provide cable services to all subscribers, the affected franchisee is entitled to all the revenue collected, except for any sums owed (including franchise fees and taxes) to the City or to other persons;
(Ord. 2156.  Passed 8-27-87.)