(a)   The City hereby reserves the right, at any time, to explore and, if found after a thorough examination to be in the City's est interest, to make an offer to purchase or otherwise acquire any cable operator's or franchisee's cable system operating within the City.
   (b)   If the City makes an offer to acquire a cable system within the City, and the cable operator or franchisee accepts such an offer, the operator or franchisee and the City should enter into an agreement detailing the steps and measures that will be implemented in order to transfer control of the cable system from the operator or franchisee to the City.
   (c)   During the period between the purchase and actual transfer of the cable system, the cable operator or franchisee shall do everything in its power to ensure that all subscribers receive continuous, uninterrupted cable service regardless of the circumstances.
   (d)   Independent of any agreement executed between the City and the operator or franchisee, Council may direct and require the operator or franchisee to continue to operate the system and provide cable services for a period of up to nine months in order to allow Council sufficient time to establish an administrative procedure for operating a cable system and providing cable services to the residents of the City.
   (e)   In the interim nine-month period, during which the cable operator or franchisee continues to provide cable services to all subscribers, the operator or franchisee is entitled to all revenue collected, except for any sums owed (including franchise fees or taxes to the City or to other persons.
   (f)   The Municipal acquisition and the details of the transition agreement shall conform to and be in compliance with all State laws and rules.
   (g)   The acquisition of a cable system by the City shall not prevent the City from subsequently transferring or reselling the system to another cable operator or franchisee.
(Ord. 2156.  Passed 8-27-87.)