A. Purpose: The intent of this section is to provide a temporary, affordable, transitional housing alternative to Gem County residents through the use of RVs that is sanitary, safe and maintains the residential character of the surrounding neighborhood. The county encourages primary residency to be within permanent structures but recognizes the need for independent, temporary living quarters within our community. The county also encourages the use of RVs within RV or manufactured home parks where possible. For those residents who require the use of RVs as their residence, the county prescribes standards for the approval of such units.
B. Applicability: These standards pertain to the use of an RV as primary living quarters on property outside of a legal RV or manufactured home park for more than thirty (30) days in a one year period. The standards do not apply to the storage of RVs or temporary dwellings permitted under chapter 19 of this title.
C. Number Allowed: One RV used as primary living quarters is permitted on a legal parcel that is one acre or greater in size, in accordance with the standards listed in this section.
D. Time Period/Time Extensions: RVs may be used as the primary living quarters for up to one year on the same property. A one year time extension may be granted by the administrator if the RV is appropriately screened from public view. This section shall not apply to RVs used as living quarters on the same property for thirty (30) days or less within a one year period.
E. Inspections: A six (6) month, on site inspection to ensure compliance with these standards shall be conducted by the administrator or designee.
F. Permit Required: All property owners siting an RV under this section are required to obtain an RV residency permit and pay the established fee prior to use of the RV as living quarters.
G. Addressing: If the RV is sited on a property with an existing address, no new address shall be issued for the RV. If there is no existing address, a new address shall be issued (unless the RV is on site for 30 days or less).
H. Wastewater: The RV shall utilize a wastewater system approved by and/or acceptable to the health department.
I. Location: The RV shall be located to the side or rear of a primary dwelling if one exists on the property. If the RV is located on bare ground, it shall comply with all setbacks as established in section 11-5-7 of this title. No RV used as primary living quarters shall be located within an enclosed building.
J. Skirting: The RV shall have adequate skirting material around the base, as approved by the building official.
K. Prohibitions:
1. Two (2) or more RVs used as living quarters on the same property;
2. RVs used as living quarters on parcels already approved for a temporary dwelling under chapter 19 of this title;
3. Parcels less than one acre in size;
4. RVs used as living quarters on an illegal parcel. (Ord. 2009-07, 11-23-2009)