The Forest Management Plan filed with the Building Official pursuant to Section 777.02 shall include:
   (a)   A map depicting the area on the property where trees will be managed;
   (b)   A general description of how the cutting of trees pursuant to the plan will foster or encourage the continued development of healthy forestland in the Village;
   (c)   A general description of all other types of vegetation in the area where trees will be cut or post-cutting activities will be performed;
   (d)   The location of the Protected Hillside Zone, if applicable;
   (e)   A description of all post-cutting activities to be performed and the estimated timeframe for completion of those activities;
   (f)   An explanation of how all trees not to be cut down will be protected against damage or destruction while tree cutting and post-cutting activities are performed.
      (Ord. 2019-14. Passed 4-9-19.)