When reviewing an application for a Conservation Development, Village Council, the Planning and Zoning Commission, Architectural Board of Review and Historic Review Committee shall consider, but shall not be limited to consideration of, the following characteristics of the proposed development:
   (a)   The comprehensive nature and design of the preliminary Development Plan, including appropriate design of the physical, aesthetic, and economic relationships among its parts;
   (b)   The anticipated impacts of the proposed development upon the Village and upon adjoining and proximate neighbors and properties;
   (c)   The proposed architectural and site design characteristics;
   (d)   The nature and extent of proposed landscaping, existing vegetation and landform to be retained, and of proposed screening and buffering;
   (e)   The suitability of the proposed separations between buildings, including any proposed setbacks or yards: and
   (f)   Conformance with the maximum density as established by the Planning and Zoning Commission based upon the Yield Plan.
      (Ord. 2007-25. Passed 8-21-07.)