Zoning Uses
EDITOR'S NOTE: By the terms of Ordinance 3053, passed March 14, 2000, certain provisions of Section 1157.03 shall apply only after December 31, 1998, and Section 1157.031 shall apply to lots of less than five acres created before December 31, 1998, or to lots of more than five acres created prior to December 31, 1998, which cannot meet the new standards of Section 1157.03.
1157.01   Classification of uses.
1157.02   U1 Single-Family House District.
1157.03   Accessory uses in U1 Single- Family House District; new standards.
1157.031   Accessory uses in U1 Single- Family House District; old standards.
1157.04   U2 Commercial District.
1157.05   Use district exceptions.
1157.06   Nonconforming uses.
1157.07   Energy generating devices.
1157.08   Wind energy conversion system prohibition.
1157.09   Prohibition of medical marijuana activities.
   Division of municipal corporations into zones - see
      Ohio R.C. 713.06
   Restrictions on buildings, structures, lots and setbacks -
      see Ohio R.C. 713.07 et seq.
   Restrictions on height of buildings and structures - see
      Ohio R.C. 713.08
   Restrictions on bulk and location of buildings and structures,
      percentage of lot occupancy and setback building
      lines - see Ohio R.C. 713.09
   Basis of districting or zoning; classification of buildings and
      structures - see Ohio R.C. 713.10
   Notice and hearing on zoning regulations - see
      Ohio R.C. 713.12
   Use districts; map - see P. & Z. 1155.01
   Permitted signs in residential zoning districts - see
      P. & Z. 1167.02
   Permitted signs in commercial district - see P. & Z. 1167.03