The developer shall furnish, with the application for approval of the final plat of a subdivision, according to Section 1135.05, the following plans, data and plats as follows:
   (a)   Maps and Data. The plat shall be drawn, and signed, in India ink or other dense black permanent ink on good quality tracing cloth or mylar at a scale of not less than fifty feet to one inch. Sheets shall be not less than eighteen by twenty-four inches and not larger than thirty-six by forty-eight inches in size. If necessary the plat shall consist of several sheets including an index and references to adjoining sheets. The plat shall include the portion of the subdivision proposed for immediate recording and development and show the following:
      (1)   Control points to which all dimensions, angles and bearings are to be referred and the nearest established street line, section line or other established point.
      (2)   Lines and boundaries consisting of centerlines and right-of-way lines of streets, easements and other rights of way; natural and artificial watercourses, streams and shore lines; corporation lines and property lines of all lots and parcels with distances, radii, arcs, chords and tangents of all curves shown to the nearest one hundredth of a foot; bearings or deflections and angles to the nearest second.
      (3)   The name and width of each street within the proposed subdivision and those adjoining, together with setback lines, which shall be as required by the Zoning Code. If a private street is approved, it shall be noted on the plat that the street is not dedicated and that maintenance by the Village is not required.
      (4)   Lot identification, by number or letter, in progressive order, for each lot conforming to the County Recorder's procedures.
      (5)   Dedication and acceptance, including identification of boundaries and, by graphic symbols, all parcels which are to be dedicated or reserved for public use or easements.
      (6)   The location and description of all monuments found, set or to be set.
      (7)   The names of recorded owners of adjoining unplatted land.
      (8)   Reference to subdivision plats of adjoining platted land by name, volume and page of the Recorder's Maps.
      (9)   Certification by the developer of acceptance of the plat and a statement offering dedication of streets, rights of way and any sites for public use or reserved by deed covenants for common use of all property owners.
      (10)   Certification and seal by a registered surveyor as to preparation and details of the survey and plat, the correctness of the survey and calculations and that permanent monuments will be set at points indicated.
      (11)   Protective covenants, referred to or included on the plat.
      (12)   The title of the subdivision and identification of the Village, County and State and of the original township section, tract or lot; the scale, shown graphically, a north arrow and the date.
      (13)   Approval statements for the Council, the Planning Commission, the Village Engineer and other officials as may be required.
         An abstract, certificate of title, title guaranty or title insurance policy in the amount of at least one thousand dollars ($1,000), meeting the approval of the Law Director, covering the entire property to be subdivided and including appurtenant access easements, if any, shall also be filed.
         The titles, certificates, statements, etc., set forth above shall be substantially in accordance with the forms set forth in Appendix I following the text of these Regulations.
   (b)   Drawings and Specifications. Drawings showing cross-sections, profiles elevations, construction details and specifications for all required land improvements shall be included. They shall be prepared in accordance with the requirements of Chapter 1139 .
   (c)   Certification by Village Engineer. Certification by the Engineer shall state that the developer has:
      (1)   Designed and installed improvements in accordance with the provisions of these Regulations and any conditions set forth by Council or the Commission in their approval of the preliminary plan.
      (2)   Posted financial guarantees in sufficient amount to assure completion of all required improvements.
      (3)   Provided protective covenants, if any, in final form, to be recorded separately.
      (4)   Included a statement that there are no unpaid taxes or special assessments against the tract.
      (5)   Provided other data, certificates or affidavits, as may be required by the Commission in the enforcement of these Regulations.
         (Ord. 2362. Passed 10-9-89.)