1135.05 FINAL PLAT.
   (a)   Application for Approval. An application for approval of a final plat shall be submitted in writing to the Building Official. The application shall include the original tracing of the final plat, the original tracing of the drawings for the required improvements, three black-on-white prints of each tracing, three sets of specifications and profiles and other maps, data and certificates as set forth in Section 1135.06.
   The developer may obtain conditional approval of the plat and install the required improvements before applying for approval of the final plat so long as he or she provides to the Village suitable rights of entry and suitable performance guarantees to the effect that such improvements once commenced would be completed, or, alternatively, he or she may apply for approval of the final plat and of drawings and specifications of required improvements concurrently and furnish performance guarantees that he or she will install the improvements thereafter.
   (b)   Referral to Village Engineer. The Building Official shall transmit three prints of each drawing and the specifications to the Village Engineer for determination that:
      (1)   The final plat conforms to the approved preliminary plans and any special conditions or modifications stipulated, and that any mathematical data and computations are correct.
      (2)   The designs and details of the required improvements, as shown on the drawings, profiles and specifications, are in conformity with the construction standards in effect in the Village.
   One copy of each set of prints and specifications shall be returned to the Commission no later than its next regular meeting falling at least sixty days after the date of transmittal of the aforesaid items to the Village Engineer. The Village Engineer's determinations shall be indicated thereon.
   (c)   Commission Action. If the Village Engineer finds that the final plat, drawings, profiles and specifications are satisfactory in regard to the aforesaid provisions, and if the subdivision complies with all other applicable provisions of these Regulations, the Commission shall approve the same and the Secretary of the Commission shall deliver a copy of each set of prints and specifications to Council no later than Council's next regular meeting following the date of such approval, with a notation that the same has received approval, together with any written reports of the Village Engineer and the Commission. Action shall be taken within thirty-five days after the meeting at which the application for approval and all required plats, maps, and data were submitted to the Commission or within a mutually agreed upon extension.
   The Commission shall act upon the final plat, drawings, profiles and specifications, either separately or concurrently, but in no event shall it approve the final plat until the improvements are constructed or their construction guaranteed.
   (d)   Council Action. If the Commission finds that the final plat, drawings, profiles and specifications are satisfactory in regard to the aforesaid provisions, and if the subdivision complies with all other applicable provisions of these Regulations, Council shall approve the same. Action shall be taken within thirty-five days after the meeting at which the application for approval and all required plats, maps and data were submitted to Council or within a mutually agreed upon extension.
   Council shall act upon the final plat, drawings, profiles and specifications, either separately or concurrently, but in no event shall it approve the final plat for recording until the improvements are constructed or their construction guaranteed.
   (e)   Form of Approval. The approval of the final plat shall be indicated by a certification to that effect on the original tracing of the plat with the signature of the Clerk of Council, the Secretary of the Commission and the Village Engineer. Such approval endorsed thereon by the Secretary shall indicate the date of approval by the Commission. Such approval endorsed thereon by the Clerk shall indicate the number of the resolution approving the final plat and the date of passage before approval by the Village shall be effective. The Clerk shall obtain one duplicate tracing thereof at the developer's expense before returning the tracing to him or her. The approval of the drawing, profiles and specifications for the required improvements shall be indicated by a certificate to that effect on the original drawings and specifications with the signature of the Village Engineer. Approval of the improvements as constructed shall likewise be certified by the Village Engineer.
   (f)   Recording. The Village Engineer shall promptly file the approved final plat in the office of the County Recorder with the costs of such recording to be paid by the developer. If the final plat is revised in any manner after approval, the approval shall be null and void.
   (g)   Effect of Approval and Recording. If drawings, profiles and specifications for improvements are approved by the Village Engineer and rights of access provided and construction guaranteed, the construction of the same may be started. After satisfactory construction the final plat may be approved and recorded, building permits may be issued for lots for which suitable access has been provided, and lots may be sold, leased or transferred. If drawings, profiles and specifications for improvements are approved by the Village Engineer and construction guaranteed, the final plat may be approved for record purposes only and recorded, construction of improvements started, building permits issued, and lots sold, leased or transferred.
(Ord. 2362. Passed 10-9-89; Ord. 2014-03. Passed 4-8-14.)