(A) House Bill 219. Be in enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, that the laws of Maryland read as follows:
Article 25 - County Commissioners
(H) Notwithstanding subsection (A) of this section, in Garrett County, the Board of County Commissioners may dispose of surplus supplies, equipment, or other personal property belonging to the county by the following means:
(1) Public action;
(2) Public sale;
(3) Trade-in for new or used equipment;
(4) Recycling; or
(5) Disposal in the Garrett County Landfill.
(Md. H.B. 219, passed 2-25-2003; Md. H.B. 146, passed 2-13-2007)
(B) House Bill 277. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, that the laws of Maryland read as follows:
Article 25 - County Commissioners
(H) (1) Notwithstanding subsection (A) of this section, in Garrett County, if at a public sale of any surplus real property the public sale fails to yield any bids for that property, the County Commissioners:
(I) Shall record in their minutes that no bids were made; and
(II) May privately negotiate and sell the surplus property for a reasonable price if the Commissioners announce the making of the privately negotiated agreement at the first meeting following the agreement.
(2) The Commissioners shall adopt regulations to implement this section.
(Md. H.B. 277, passed 2-25-2003)
(C) House Bill 324. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, that the laws of Maryland read as follows:
Article 25 - County Commissioners
(RR) (1) In this subsection, “government organization” includes:
(I) A county;
(II) A Board of Education;
(III) A municipal corporation;
(IV) A government cooperative purchasing organization.
The County Commissioners of Garrett County may purchase goods and services through a contract that has been entered into by a vendor and a government organization that does not participate in a cooperative purchasing agreement in which Garrett County is a member.
(Md. H.B. 324, passed 2-25-2003)
(D) House Bill 201. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, that the laws of Maryland read as follows:
Article 25 - County Commissioners
(a) This section applies only to commission counties and, unless otherwise provided by a local law enacted by a code county, code counties.
(b) (1) In case any office of county commissioner shall become vacant in any county by death, resignation or otherwise, the Governor, if such vacancy shall occur during the session of the Senate, shall, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, appoint, and if such vacancy shall occur during the recess of the Senate, the Governor shall appoint a proper person or proper persons to fill such vacancy or vacancies; and the nomination of the person or persons thus appointed during such recess, or of some other person in his or their place, shall be made to the Senate within thirty days after the next meeting of the legislature.
(2) (i) Subject to subparagraph (ii) of this paragraph the Governor shall nominate or appoint the person to fill such vacancy whose name shall be submitted to the Governor in writing by the central committee of the political party with which the county commissioner, so vacating, has been affiliated in the particular county, provided that the nominee or appointee shall be of the same political party as the person whose office is to be filled; and it shall be the duty of the Governor to make the nomination or appointment within fifteen days after the submission of the name of the nominee or appointee to the Governor.
(ii) In Garrett County, the nominee or appointee shall be a resident of the same commissioner district in which the former county commissioner resided.
(3) In the event there is no central committee in the county in which the vacancy occurs, the Governor shall appoint to fill the vacancy a person who has all the qualifications required for the office of county commissioner in the particular county.
(Md. H.B. 201, passed 3-22-2011)
(A) The County Commissioners are authorized and empowered to control and regulate the public roads and bridges in the county, subject to the provisions of Md. Code, Art. 89B.They shall sit as a Road Board once in each month, and oftener if deemed by them necessary to the public interest, for the consideration and determination of matters relating to county roads and bridges, and at such meetings, each County Commissioner shall inform the Board of conditions affecting roads and bridges in the county so far as the same have come to his or her knowledge. It shall be the duty of the County Commissioners to make careful inspection of the roads and road work in Garrett County according to rules to be adopted by the Board.
(B) It is further provided that any and all funds allocated to the Road Board by the State Highway Administration, as provided in Md. Code, Art. 89B above, shall be paid over to the Garrett County Supervisor of Tax Collection for deposit in a special bank account until such time as needed by the Board.
(1986 Code, § 20-17) (1957 Code, § 68; 1945, Ch. 1031; 1951, Ch. 663; 1957, Ch. 258, § 84A; 1962, 1st Spec. Sess., Ch. 2; 1966, Ch. 70; 1970, Ch. 227, § 68)
(A) Advertisement for bids; awarding of contract. The County Commissioners of Garrett County, when about to construct any highway or bridge, except such as may be done by the County Commissioners by and through the employees of its County Roads Department, shall advertise for at least 2 weeks in 1 or more newspapers published in the county for sealed proposals for the construction of the highway or bridge, accurately describing the same and stating the time and place for opening the proposals and reserving the right to reject any and all proposals. The proposals shall be publicly opened at the time specified in the advertisement, and the contract for work or for the supplies and materials required for the construction shall be awarded by the County Commissioners to the lowest responsible bidder, unless, in the opinion of the County Commissioners, the interest of the county shall be better served by awarding the contract to some other bidder, then this may be done.
(B) Supervision and approval of work; execution of formal contract and bond. The construction improvement of all highways in Garrett County shall be under the supervision and subject to the approval of the County Commissioners, in accordance with plans and specifications prepared by or at the instance of the County Roads General Superintendent and approved by the County Commissioners. In all cases where the contract for work and materials shall be given out after competitive bidding, the successful bidder shall promptly execute a formal contract, to be approved as to its form, terms and conditions by the County Commissioners, and shall also execute and deliver to the County Commissioners a good and sufficient bond, to be approved by them, to the state in not less than the amount of the contract price. In no case shall any such bond be approved or accepted unless the obligors bind themselves therein to the payment of all just debts for labor and materials incurred by the bidder in the construction and improvement of the road or bridge contracted for; provided, however, that the County Commissioners may do any part or parts of any such work under such conditions in every respect as they may prescribe, by labor employed through the County Roads Department.
(C) Purchases of road machinery and equipment. When deemed necessary or advisable to purchase trucks or other road-building or repair equipment, the County Commissioners shall make all due and reasonable effort to obtain the same at the lowest possible price. Acquisition of equipment shall be in accordance with § 30.23. The County Commissioners may trade in old equipment on new purchases or dispose of old equipment whenever they deem the same advisable or expedient. The County Commissioners shall budget the amount to be expended for road machinery and equipment each year. (1986 Code, § 20-18) (1957 Code, § 69; 1945, Ch. 1033; 1959, Ch. 62, § 69(c); P.L.L., 1972, Ch. 51; 1975, Ch. 14; 1995, Ch. 35)
The County Commissioners shall direct the General Roads Superintendent to erect and keep up, at the expense of the county, at all public crossroads and where public roads fork, indexes or fingerboards pointing to the nearest town, mill or other public place to which the roads lead, with the names of the places and distances thereto legibly inscribed thereon, and the expense thereof shall be levied as other county charges.
(1986 Code, § 20-19) (P.L.L., 1888, Art. 12, § 38; 1930, § 90; 1957 Code, § 71; 1878, Ch. 108)