   (A)   lt shall be the duty of the property owner, tenant, or person in possession of any public or private driveway, parking lot, parking area, or boulevard to dispose of accumulated snow and ice upon such property in such manner that any snow and ice when removed shall not be deposited upon any sidewalk or within or upon any public street or alley or in a manner that will obstruct or interfere with the passage or vision of vehicle or pedestrian traffic.
   (B)   Snow and ice which is removed from a sidewalk, parking lot, driveway, or other area shall be placed on the abutting boulevard or yard. It is unlawful for any person to dispose of or move snow and ice from private property or abutting public areas onto a public street, alley or sidewalk. An exception applies to certain defined properties located within the CB, Central Business District, that are adjacent to Main Avenue between Fifth Street and Second Street. These defined properties are granted the authority to move such accumulated sidewalk snow and ice onto the abutting city street prior to the complete removal and clearing of snow and ice by the grading of such snow and ice away from the curb or by the picking up and carrying away such snow and ice by the city or its private contractors.
      (1)   Mailboxes. It shall be the duty of the property owner, tenant, or person in possession of any property upon which any mailbox is affixed to keep the immediate area around such mailbox free from snow and ice in such a manner so as not to obstruct or interfere with the delivery or collection of the United States mail, and to remove or cause to be removed all accumulation of snow or ice within 24 hours after every fall or accumulation of snow or ice. Snow and ice deposited around any mailbox in the street removal process shall be removed within 24 hours of being deposited.
      (2)   Fire hydrants. It shall be the duty of the property owner, tenant, or person in possession of any property upon which any fire hydrant is affixed to keep the immediate area around such fire hydrant free from, snow and ice in such a manner so as not to obstruct or interfere with access to the fire hydrant, and to remove or cause to be removed all accumulation of snow or ice within 24 hours after every fall or accumulation of snow or ice. Snow and ice must be removed from at least a three-foot radius around any fire hydrant, and at least a two-foot wide path must be cleared between the fire hydrant and the nearest city street. Snow and ice deposited around any fire hydrant in the street removal process shall be removed within 24 hours of being deposited.
      (3)   Sanding sidewalks. In the event that snow or ice on a sidewalk have become so hard that such accumulation cannot be removed without the likelihood of damage to the sidewalk, the owner, tenant, or person in possession charged with the removal of such accumulation shall, within 24 hours, cause enough sand or other abrasive to be put on the sidewalk to make travel thereon reasonably safe and shall then, as soon thereafter as weather permits, remove or cause to be removed all accumulation of snow or ice within 24 hours.
   (C)   If the owner or person in charge of the lot fails or refuses to remove the snow or ice from the sidewalks, the city shall have the snow or ice removed and charge the costs thereof against the abutting property. The sum shall be established by the City Council and on file in the Finance Officer’s office for all sidewalks. If property owner continues to refuse or fail to remove snow and ice from sidewalks, a fine shall be issued by the city in addition to the removal costs. All costs and fines are the responsibility of the property owner. The fine shall be set by resolution by the City Council. Failure to pay removal costs and fines will result in an assessment against the property.
(Ord. 653, passed 2-3-2020) Penalty, see § 91.99
   (A)   The city does on its own or hires contractors to remove snow from the public streets.
   (B)   Sometimes mailboxes are damaged by snow removal equipment, snow plow, or by the snow from the plow being thrown into the boulevard through no fault of the city.
   (C)   The city will pay up to $40 to repair or replace a mailbox that had previously been installed to the U.S. Post Office specifications as on file at City Hall, inspected, and that the mailbox has been damaged as stated above. Upon a determination that these criteria have been met and proof of the replacement cost has been provided, the city will issue the reimbursement amount, but will not physically purchase or replace a mailbox.
(Res. 2012-11, passed 12-10-2012)
§ 91.99 PENALTY.
   (A)   Any person violating any provision of this chapter for which no specific penalty is prescribed shall be subject to § 10.99 of this code of ordinances.
   (B)   (1)   Any person offending against any of the provisions contained in § 91.04(A) shall pay a fine of not less than $5 and costs of suit for each offense.
      (2)   Persons found in conviction of the acts set forth in § 91.04(C) without permission from City Council shall pay a fine of not less than $5 and costs of each offense.
      (3) Any of such person or persons neglect or refuse to remove such excess or rubbish within forty eight hours after being notified by the City Marshal, to remove the same, then the City Marshal may cause the same to be removed at the expense of such person or persons and in addition thereto upon a conviction of offending against the provisions of § 91.04(D) shall pay a fine of not less than $5 and costs.
      (4)   The police justice may, in default of any fine and costs imposed by him or her upon any person for violating any of the provisions contained in § 91.04, commit such person to jail for not more than 20 days.
   (C)   Violation of §§ 91.15(B) through 91.16(C) is a misdemeanor, and any persons convicted of such shall pay a fine of $25, plus a $50 removal fee.
(Ord. 6, passed 11-27-1891; Res. 2020-06, passed 3-2-2020)