A GOLF CART is a self-propelled machine, powered either by battery or internal combustion engine, originally designed for transporting one or two persons and their equipment around a golf course for purposes of the game of golf. A GOLF CART may be three- or four-wheeled.
(Ord. 638, passed 7-2-2018)
(A) No person shall operate a golf cart upon any public street within the city without having first obtained a permit therefor from the City Finance Office. The fee to be charged for such permit shall be as from time to time established by resolution of the City Council. Permitted operation upon a public way shall be in compliance with all provisions of this subchapter. Permits issued pursuant to this subchapter may be transferred with the transfer of ownership of the permitted golf cart and shall expire on December 31 of each year.
(B) The annual golf cart permit for the golf cart to be used on city streets as stated in division (A) above has been set at $20 to be renewed annually, January 1.
(Ord. 638, passed 7-2-2018; Res. 2018-12, passed 7-2-2018)
(A) Operation of a permitted golf cart upon the public streets shall be in conformance with all of the following requirements.
(B) The person operating the golf cart:
(1) Must be in possession of a valid driver’s license;
(2) Must have in effect insurance covering operation of the golf cart in not less than the minimum required by the state for operation of licensed vehicles on public ways;
(3) Shall only be operated at times between sunrise and sunset; unless equipped with lights as required by SDCL § 32-17, then operation will be allowed after dark;
(4) The permit shall be visibly displayed at the rear left side of the golf cart;
(5) Shall not operate the golf cart upon any state or federally designated highway, excepting only to cross such highways;
(6) Shall not drive on the sidewalk;
(7) All persons within the permitted golf cart shall be seated at all times, and no person shall at any time be on the outside or on the top of the permitted golf cart at any time during operation on a public street;
(8) Shall be equipped with a slow moving vehicle sign positioned and plainly visible on
the rear of the golf cart which conforms to the provisions of SDCL § 32-15-20;
(9) The permitted golf cart shall not be used in chasing after persons or animals; and
(10) Shall comply with all laws and regulations applicable to operation of vehicles on public streets.
(Ord. 638, passed 7-2-2018)
(A) Any person who operates a golf cart upon a public street in violation of this subchapter shall be subject to citation and punishment upon conviction, as provided in the general penalty as set by resolution by City Council.
(B) Any permit issued pursuant to this subchapter shall be subject to revocation by the Chief of Public Safety in the event the permitted golf cart is operated by any person in violation of the provisions of this subchapter. Notice of revocation shall be given to the owner of the golf cart in person or by mail.
(Ord. 638, passed 7-2-2018)