§ 91.42 GENERAL USE.
   (A)   If prohibited by rules and regulations promulgated by the federal government, state or the county, or unless authorized by permit, no person shall:
      (1)   Cut wood for any purpose;
      (2)   Gather firewood in an area where appropriate signage prohibits such activity.
      (3)   Collect, for commercial purposes, any of the following:
         (a)   Commonly available renewable resources such as flowers, berries, nuts, seeds, cones and leaves;
         (b)   Nonrenewable resources such as rock and mineral specimens, common invertebrate and plant fossils, and semi-precious stones;
         (c)   Petrified wood; or
         (d)   Mineral materials.
      (4)   Gather petrified wood in areas prohibited by federal, state or local rule.
   (B)   On federal, state or local lands in the county, no person shall willfully deface, disturb, remove or destroy:
      (1)   Any personal property or structures, or any scientific, cultural, archeological or historic resource, natural object or area; or
      (2)   Plants or their parts, soil, rocks or minerals or cave resources, except as otherwise authorized by rule, regulation, permit or written agreement.
   (C)   On federal, state or local lands in the county, except as otherwise posted or permitted, no person shall operate or use any audio device such as a radio, television, musical instrument, generator, motorized equipment or other noise producing device in a manner that makes unreasonable noise that disturbs other visitors.
   (D)   On federal, state or local lands in the county, no person shall:
      (1)   Bicycle, rollerblade, roller skate, skateboard or operate a vehicle or electric assisted bicycle on any trail prohibited or posted for that purpose;
      (2)   Block, restrict or otherwise interfere with the normal use of any trail;
      (3)   Operate a vehicle or bicycle off designated trails, unless lands are authorized for that purpose; or
      (4)   Operate an electric assisted bicycle on a trail posted or designated for non-motorized use unless specifically permitted by federal, state or local regulation.
   (E)   On federal, state or local lands in the county, and as determined by an authorized officer, no person shall cause a public disturbance or create a risk to other persons by engaging in activities including but not limited to the following:
      (1)   Making noise that exceeds the requirements of this subchapter;
      (2)   Creating a hazard or nuisance as otherwise defined by the requirements of this subchapter; or
      (3)   Refusing to disperse when directed to do so by an authorized law enforcement officer.
   (F)   Unless authorized by federal, state or local rule, regulation, permit or written agreement, no person shall leave personal property unattended for more than 48 hours on federal, state or local lands in the county. Personal property left unattended for more than 48 hours shall be subject to disposition under federal, state and local law.
   (G)   No person shall interfere, tamper with or otherwise vandalize any improvements on federal, state or local lands in the county, including sewage facilities, fee deposit tubes, signage, fencing, landscaping, structures and accessory improvements.
(Ord. 2020-12, passed 7-13-2020) Penalty, see § 91.99