(A)   Overhead sanitary sewers.
      (1)   Overhead sanitary sewer plumbing shall be required to be constructed in the lowest level of a structure where the lowest level of the structure has, or is required to have, sanitary plumbing fixtures and/or drains, for the following:
         (a)   All new structures;
         (b)   All existing structures undergoing new additions that include expansion of the lowest level of the existing structure; and
         (c)   All existing structures undergoing new basement remodeling.
      (2)   For the purpose of this section, the LOWEST LEVEL of a structure includes basements, floors, rooms or occupancy areas of the structure below finished ground level as determined solely by the Building and Zoning Officer.
      (3)   Plumbing fixtures and drains to be served by an overhead sanitary sewer shall drain into an ejection pit with a pump. The ejection pit shall be properly sealed, vented and located to receive sewage by gravity flow from which the sewage shall be pumped and discharged into the sanitary sewer service line of the structure. The discharge line of the pump shall be a minimum of two inches in diameter, and shall be equipped with a back-flow check valve or gate valve. Plumbing fixtures above the elevation of the lowest level of the structure shall drain entirely by gravity and shall not be drained through the ejection pit.
   (B)   Overhead storm sewers (sump pumps).
      (1)   Overhead storm sewer plumbing shall be required for all structures, which have foundation footing tile drains. The foundation footing tile drain shall be directly connected and flow by gravity to a sump pit with an electric pump. A back-flow check valve shall be placed in the discharge line from the sump pump. The discharge line from the sump pump shall be a minimum size of one and one-half inches. All sump pits shall have a cover.
      (2)   The discharge line from an overhead storm sewer shall exit the structure through an exterior wall to the outside no less than 18 inches beyond the exterior wall of the structure. The discharge line shall allow for the disposal of the overhead storm sewer contents onto the surface of the ground, or the discharge line may be directly connected to a storm sewer, if one is available to serve the structure.
(Ord. 009-2011, passed 8-22-2011)  Penalty, see § 5.10.999