The following rules for permitting persons to address public officials are hereby established and are set forth herein as follows:
(A) Compliance. It shall be unlawful for any person to address or attempt to address any public official at any public meeting of any public body of the village except in compliance with the limitations and restrictions imposed as provided herein. Citizen participation shall be permitted as follows:
(1) Public forum.
(2) Agenda participation.
(3) Invited speakers.
(B) Limitations. The Mayor or the Chairperson of any public body of the village may impose reasonable limitations on the citizen participation at public meetings such as barring repetitious, irrelevant, immaterial, or inappropriate comments or testimony. The Chairperson has the right to halt or suspend the public meeting to a later date if the rules are not being followed. All speakers will limit their comments to no more than five minutes.
(C) Persons wishing to speak. Persons wishing to speak during any portion of a public meeting shall sign in before the start of the meeting stating his/her name, address and topic to be discussed. All speakers shall comply with these rules and rulings of the Chairperson. Speakers shall be called by name to address the public body.
(D) Speakers. Speakers will identify themselves and provide their current address before beginning their comments. Speakers will state their position on the issue, and may provide supporting documentation and/or evidence. The speaker shall refrain from engaging in debates, directing threats or making personal attacks at village officials, staff, other speakers or members of the audience.
(E) Timer. A timer shall be used to notify the speaker when the time allotted has expired. The speaker will then be informed that his/her time has expired, and shall stop speaking and stand down, unless a majority of the public body grants additional time. If necessary, the Chairperson shall take action to enforce this rule.
(F) Audience. Members of the audience shall refrain from applauding, cheering, or booing during or at the conclusion of remarks made by any person.
(G) Representative speakers. Groups of persons should, whenever possible, consolidate their comments and avoid repetition through the use of representative speakers.
(H) Public body questions. Members of the public body may, but need not, ask questions of the speakers at the conclusion of their comments.
(I) Public hearings. The rules applicable to public meetings shall generally apply to public hearings.
(J) Invited speakers. Any citizen may address a public body by invitation of the Chairperson or a majority of the public body. Speakers invited to participate shall be subject to such limitations as the Chairperson or majority of the public body shall prescribe.
(Ord. 012-2011, passed 9-26-2011) Penalty, see § 1.05.999