The preliminary plat shall be drawn on tracing paper or tracing cloth having a minimum size of 24 inches by 18 inches, in a manner that clear and legible prints can be made and shall show the following:
(A) Identification and description:
(1) Proposed name of subdivision not duplication name of any plat heretofore recorded in the village or in Grundy County, Illinois;
(2) Location by section, town and range, or by other approved legal description;
(3) An accompanying boundary line survey map with accurate distances and angles prepared and certified by a registered surveyor and an accompanying topographic map indicating source of survey shall accompany the preliminary plat;
(4) Names and addresses of the owner or subdivider of the proposed subdivision and designer of the subdivision;
(5) Graphic (engineering) scale shall not exceed 100 feet to one inch; and
(6) North-point (designated as true north).
(B) Existing conditions:
(1) Boundary lines of proposed subdivision in accordance with division (A)(3) above;
(2) Total acreage therein;
(3) Existing zoning districts in proposed subdivision and adjacent tracts;
(4) Location, widths and names of all existing or previously platted streets or other rights-of-way showing type of improvement (if any), railroad and utility rights-of-way, parks and other public open spaces, permanent buildings and structures, easements and section and corporate lines within the tract and to a distance of 100 feet beyond the tract;
(5) Location and size of existing sewer lines, water mains, culverts or other underground facilities within the tract and to a distance of 100 feet beyond the tract; also locations of catch-basins, manholes, valves and hydrants, and indicating such data as surface and invert elevations;
(6) Location map, if required by the Planning and Zoning Board, drawn at a scale of not less than one inch equals 1,000 feet, showing boundary lines of adjoining unsubdivided or subdivided land within an area bounded by nearest thoroughfare or other natural boundaries, but not less than one-half mile beyond the subdivision boundaries in subdivisions located beyond the village limits, identifying type of use of surrounding land and showing alignments of existing streets;
(7) If required by the Planning and Zoning Board, topographic data including existing contours at vertical intervals of not more than two feet, except in unusual topographical conditions, the vertical intervals may be required to be altered as determined by the Village Engineer (topographic data shall refer to United States Geodetic Survey or adjusted Village of Gardner datum); and locations of water course, marshes and other significant features. Soil boring data and seepage tests may be required at locations and depths as determined by the Village Engineer; and
(8) Locations of or reference to locations of existing monuments or survey markers used in preparation of survey and grade elevation of each monument and marker.
(C) Subdivision design features:
(1) The preliminary plan shall be in substantial accord with the Comprehensive Plan as amended from time to time;
(2) Layout of streets showing right-of-way widths and street names (not duplicating the name of any street heretofore used in the village and its environs unless the street is an extension of or in line with an already named street, in which event that name shall be used) and showing proposed through streets extended to boundaries of subdivision;
(3) Location and width of alleys, pedestrian ways and utility easements;
(4) Layout, total number of lots and dimensions of the lot containing the minimum width and depth and the lot containing the maximum width and depth;
(5) Minimum front and side street building setback lines, indicating dimensions;
(6) Areas (other than those listed in divisions (C)(2), (3) and (4) above), if any, intended to be dedicated or reserved for non-residential purposes; indicating in each the approximate acreage. Those areas shall be designated by letter or number;
(7) Typical cross-section of streets and alleys, together with an indication of the proposed stormwater run off;
(8) Proposed location, size and gradients and invert elevations of sewers, storm drains and open drainage ways if any, and proposed method of sewage and waste disposal;
(9) Proposed street, pavement widths, approximate street elevations and gradients;
(10) Proposed locations and sizes of water mains, valves and hydrants;
(11) Location of proposed street lights and easements therefor; and
(12) When recommended by the Village Engineer and required by the Planning and Zoning Board, the subdivider shall submit proposed detailed grading plans of blocks and lots. No land will be approved for subdivision which is subject to periodic flooding or which contains inadequate drainage facilities or other topographic conditions which may increase danger to health, life or property or aggravate erosion or flood hazard unless the subdivider agrees to make improvements which will, in the opinion of the Village Engineer and Planning and Zoning Board, make the land safe for development and occupancy.
(Ord. 254, passed 5-22-1972)