§ 15.25.015  PROCEDURE.
   Before subdividing any tract or parcel of land in the village and the unincorporated areas within one and one-half miles of the village limits, an owner or subdivider shall submit a preliminary plat and a final plat to be acted upon by the village authorities in accordance with the laws of the State of Illinois and the following provisions of this chapter. (Prior to the preparation of a preliminary plat it is recommended that: the owner or subdivider consult with the Planning and Zoning Board and other village officials to secure information relative to requirements of the Comprehensive Plan, official map, Zoning Ordinance, Subdivision Ordinance and any other applicable village ordinances; and subsequently submit to the Planning and Zoning Board a sketch plan of the proposed subdivision prepared on a topographic survey of the area showing the street system, arrangement of lots and location of public use areas that may be required to be reserved.)
   (A)   Preliminary plat.
      (1)   The owner or subdivider shall file an application for approval of the preliminary plat with the Village Clerk. Five copies of the preliminary plat and the required filing fee shall accompany the application.
      (2)   The Village Clerk shall refer four copies of the preliminary plat to the Planning and Zoning Board, at least ten days in advance of the next meeting of the Planning and Zoning Board.
      (3)   The Planning and Zoning Board shall notify the owner or subdivider as to the time and place of the Planning and Zoning Board meeting at which he or she will be afforded an opportunity of being heard.
      (4)   The Planning and Zoning Board shall approve or disapprove the application for preliminary plat approval within 90 days from the date of filing the application or the filing by the applicant of the last item of required supporting documents, whichever date is later, unless the time is extended by mutual consent.
      (5)   When the preliminary plat has been acted upon by the Planning and Zoning Board, it shall be referred to the Village Council. If the Planning and Zoning Board approves the plat it shall so indicate on the plat, and if it disapproves the plat it shall furnish the Village Council and the applicant a written statement setting forth the reason for disapproval and specifying with particularity the aspects in which the proposed plat fails to conform to this chapter and official map, and with the intent of the Comprehensive Plan. The Village Council shall accept or reject the plat within 30 days after its regular stated meeting following the action of the Planning and Zoning Board.
      (6)   Upon approval of the preliminary plat by the Village Council, the following notice of approval shall be stamped upon four prints thereof, and required signatures affixed:
Notice is hereby given that the preliminary plat of a subdivision shown hereon has received approval by the Village Council of the Village of Gardner, Illinois, and upon compliance by the subdivider with requirements of qualifications governing the approval of preliminary plats and with other revisions and stipulations that may be required, the Village Council will receive the final plat for consideration when submitted by the subdivider in such form and within such time as required by this ordinance.
The Village Council of the Village of Gardner, Illinois
Date ______________________  20___
By ______________________________
Attest ____________________________
      Village Clerk
      (7)   Four prints of the approved preliminary plat shall be distributed by the Village Clerk as follows:
         (a)   One print shall be sent to the Planning and Zoning Board;
         (b)   One print shall be sent to the Village Engineer;
         (c)   One print shall be retained by the Village Clerk for filing; and
         (d)   One print shall be returned to the subdivider.
      (8)   Approval of the preliminary plat by the Planning and Zoning Board and Village Council shall be conditioned upon stipulations as set forth in § 15.25.025 below.
   (B)   Final plat.
      (1)   Within one year after approval of the preliminary plat by the Village Council, the owner or subdivider shall file an application for approval of the final plat with the Village Clerk. In case application for approval of a final plat is made for a part or parts of an approved preliminary plat, the Village Council may extend the time for application of approval of final plats for other parts of the approved preliminary plat until a later date or dates beyond the foregoing one-year period.
      (2)   The application for final plat approval shall include the original drawing, drawn with ink on linen tracing cloth or its equivalent measuring 29 inches by 29 inches, one transparency print and four contact prints of the final plat, four copies of all supporting maps, plans and other drawings, and all other required documents. The final plat shall retain the design characteristics of the approved preliminary plat, except that the Planning and Zoning Board may recommend and the Village Council may require such changes or revisions as are deemed necessary in the interest and needs of the community, in keeping with the provisions of this chapter. Accordingly, the Village Council shall refer the application for approval of the final plat to the Planning and Zoning Board for recommendation and report relative to design characteristics to the final plat.
      (3)   When the subdivider or owner, submitting the application for final plat approval, has filed with the Village Clerk all drawings, maps and other documents required by this chapter to be furnished in support thereof and when all the material meets all requirements of this chapter and other applicable ordinances of the village, the Village Council shall approve the proposed plat within 60 days from the date of filing the last required document or other paper or within 60 days of filing application for final approval of the plat, whichever date is later, or a period of time beyond the 60-day period that is mutually agreed upon by the applicant and the Village Council.
      (4)   Upon approval by the Village Council, the Village Clerk shall secure three contact prints of the approved final plat, and three copies of the approved supporting documents:
         (a)   One contact print of the final plat, when applicable one copy of the accompanying protective covenants, and one copy of the supporting documents shall be delivered to the Planning and Zoning Board;
         (b)   One contact print and all specifications, drawings and estimates shall be delivered to the Village Engineer; and
         (c)   One contact print and all other supporting documents shall be retained by the Village Clerk.
      (5)   The final plat in exact form as approved shall be filed for record by the developer in the Recorder of Deeds office of Grundy County within one year of acceptance thereof by the Village Council. In the event the final plat is not recorded within one year, all approvals previously received shall be held for naught and the developer must resubmit the project for approval to the Village Council. The developer shall supply the Village Clerk with three print copies of the recorded plat. The developer/subdivider shall bear the expense of the recording fees and the cost of the print copies.
   (C)   Land division. Before dividing lots or blocks in any recorded subdivision which in any case does not involve new streets or easement of access, or the sale or exchange of parcels or tracts of land following division into no more than two parts of a particular parcel or tract of land existing on the effective date of this chapter which does not involve any new street or easement of access, the owner or divider shall file with the Village Clerk, the original drawing and four contact prints of a certified plat of survey showing the proposed division of the lots, blocks, parcels or tracts of land. Three prints of the plat of survey shall be forwarded to the Planning and Zoning Board at least ten days before the next meeting of the Planning and Zoning Board. Not more than 30 days after the meeting at which the plat of survey is referred to the Planning and Zoning Board, the Chairperson of the Planning and Zoning Board shall notify the owner or divider whether a new street or easement of access is required. In the event that a new street or easement of access is required the notice shall stipulate that an application for final plat approval containing the maps, certifications and supporting documents as required by the Planning and Zoning Board shall be filed with the Village Clerk for processing as herein set forth in division (B) above and § 15.25.025.
   (D)   Approval of minor subdivisions. Notwithstanding the provisions of this section, minor subdivision (normally referred to as “lot splits”) shall be permitted and approved by the Village of Gardner Planning and Zoning Board, without filing a subdivision plat as required by this chapter, in accordance with the following:
      (1)   Purpose. The purpose of this section is to permit the subdivision of a parcel of land:
         (a)   Along an existing dedicated or deeded public street;
         (b)   Not involving the opening, widening or extension of any street or road; and
         (c)   Which parcel of land results in not more than ten lots, all of which must meet the minimum area requirements of the Zoning Ordinance of the Village of Gardner, and which complies with the design requirements of this chapter for water and sanitary sewer improvements.
      (2)   Procedure. If the Village of Gardner Planning and Zoning Board is satisfied that a proposed minor subdivision (lot split) is not contrary to the herein established platting and subdividing rules and regulations and the plat is not contrary to the Gardner Zoning Ordinance, the Village of Gardner Planning and Zoning Board shall approve same within 30 working days of the date of submission; and
      (3)   Final disposition. After a minor subdivision (lot split) has been approved by the Village of Gardner Planning and Zoning Board, the plat or other graphic representation of the minor subdivision shall be stamped, “Approved by the Village of Gardner Planning and Zoning Board, no plat required” and shall be signed by the Village of Gardner Planning and Zoning Board Chairperson, and shall be transmitted to the Village Council for similar action. The Village Council shall within 14 working days approve or disapprove the minor subdivision. After the minor subdivision (lot split) has been stamped, approved and signed as hereinabove provided, it shall be filed and recorded for record with the Recorder of Deeds of Grundy County. All minor subdivisions approved under this division (D) are required to provide permanent monuments as are otherwise required in this chapter.
   (E)   Size and type. Any and all plats required pursuant to this chapter, including but not limited to, preliminary and final plats shall be of a size and on the type of transparency and paper as required by the Recorder of Deeds of the County of Grundy. As of the date of this amendment, the plats shall be 24 inches by 36 inches, however this chapter and the plats required hereunder shall at all times require plats of the size approved by the Recorder of Deeds of the County of Grundy.
(Ord. 254, passed 5-22-1972; Ord. 294, passed 8-28-1978; Ord. G-141, passed 3-11-1996)