(A)   Any person who fails to pay water and sewer service charges as required herein, and upon the service charges being deemed delinquent, shall be subject to having water service terminated.
   (B)   The Village Clerk shall determine the name and service address of all persons who are delinquent in the payment of water and sewer service charges together with the amount of the arrearages. Pursuant to § 5.05.220, all accounts for water and sewer service charges shall be considered delinquent if not paid on or before day 20 of the month rendered. In the event that the service address is occupied by an entity or person other then the owner of that property, all termination notices shall be sent to both the owner and the entity or person occupying the service address.
   (C)   (1)   All persons who are delinquent shall be notified by the Village Clerk, in writing, by first class U.S. mail, postage pre-paid, that unless the arrearages are paid on or before day 20 of the following month that their water service will be terminated. The notice shall contain a statement that the owner, occupants or other person in possession shall be entitled to an opportunity for a hearing before the Mayor, Water Commissioner or other authorized person as the Mayor may hereafter appoint. In the event that the village fails to receive a request for a hearing, the hearing shall be deemed waived. 
      (2)   In addition to the notice identified above, five business days prior to the termination of service date, delinquent customers will be notified of the delinquency via red tag notice. The red tag shall be placed on the door of the delinquent residence, stating that water service will be disconnected on the date identified within the red tag and the customer shall have an opportunity for a hearing that they must initiate. Failure to receive a red tag shall not invalidate notice or delay termination of service.
   (D)   In the event that the arrearages are not completely paid and satisfied within the time limit set forth herein, the Water Commissioner or other authorized village agent shall terminate water services to the service address until the arrearages are paid in full. However, no new resident at the service address shall be withheld water service on account of the arrearages of a former resident. The village shall not be liable for any damage to any person or property on account of the termination of water service for non-payment of the service charges.
   (E)   Upon the full payment of delinquent water service charges where the water service has been terminated, the owner, tenant, occupant or other persons in possession shall pay a reconnection fee of $50 for a first-time violation and $100 for any violation  thereafter.
(Ord. VG00-324, § 13.36.025, passed 5-8-2000; Ord. VG02-363, passed 12-9-2002; Ord. VG08-008, passed 10-27-2008)