(A) All permanent water services hereinafter installed, whether for domestic or commercial purposes, shall be metered.
(B) Water meters for one-inch residential service shall be furnished by the village and the same shall remain the property of the village.
(C) The village will repair and maintain the three-quarter inch residential water meters; except, when a water meter is damaged by freezing or by hot water backing through the meter or by other physical damage, the user shall be required to pay the cost of repairs and labor upon receipt of a bill for the same.
(D) Any cost of repair shall be a lien against the premises to the same extent and with the same effect as charges for water service.
(E) Meters of a size greater than one inch shall be furnished, paid for and maintained by the user. The larger meters shall be calibrated less frequently than every five years, by a meter maintenance company approved by the village.
(F) All meters shall be set within the building served and must be attached to the service pipe immediately after the pipe has entered the wall of building.
(G) In any event, all installations and the placing of meters shall be subject to the approval of the Maintenance Superintendent.
(Ord. VG00-324, § 13.24.080, passed 5-8-2000)