(A)   Required conditions. Unless otherwise noted, buildings and uses in the MUO Mixed Use Overlay District shall comply with the following requirements.
      (1)   Mixed use buildings shall be designed to the following standards.
         (a)   Building materials on the front facade, exclusive of window and door areas, shall be comprised of at least 50% standard-size brick and 25% other masonry-type products. Smooth or flat face concrete masonry units are prohibited, unless approved as part of the overall facade in the building review process.
         (b)   Building materials on the side and rear facades shall be select and high-quality, reducing maintenance requirements.
         (c)   Roofs shall contain a variety of peaks, gables or dormers to break long, monotonous roof lines.
         (d)   Facades shall be traditional, offering a variety of architectural features such as window openings, entrance features (porches) and unique elements.
         (e)   Garages, if any, shall be built to the rear of the primary structure, screened from road rights-of-way.
      (2)   All business, services, or processing, except off-street parking and loading, shall be conducted within a completely enclosed building, unless otherwise specifically permitted.
      (3)   There shall be no outside storage of any goods, inventory, or equipment.
      (4)   Warehousing and/or indoor storage of goods or material, beyond that normally incidental to the above permitted uses, shall be prohibited.
      (5)   Parking shall be permitted in the rear yard only.
      (6)   Vehicular access shall be provided at the rear or side of the lot when possible to minimize curb cuts on busy thoroughfares.
      (7)   Pedestrian paths and interior sidewalks shall be provided and connect to the city’s sidewalk system.
      (8)   All sites shall be maintained in compliance with the open space and landscaping requirements of § 154.082. Open space shall be provided for the enjoyment, use and recreation of the development’s residents when feasible.
   (B)   Site plan review. Site plan review and approval is required for all uses in the MUO Mixed Use
Overlay District in accordance with §§ 154.400 through 154.406.
   (C)   Area, height, bulk, and placement requirements. Buildings and uses in the MUO Mixed Use Overlay District are subject to the area, height, bulk, and placement requirements in Appendix A, Schedule of Regulations.
   (D)   Planned Development. Planned Development may be permitted as a means to achieve the basic intent of this district, in accordance with the guidelines in §§ 154.330 through 154.336.
(Ord. 22-001, passed 1-24-22)