§ 154.330 PURPOSE.
   (A)   It is the intent of these regulations to permit Planned Development for the following purposes.
      (1)   Encouraging innovation in land use planning and development.
      (2)   Achieving a higher quality of development than would otherwise be achieved.
      (3)   Encouraging assembly of lots and redevelopment of outdated commercial corridors.
      (4)   Encouraging initial development on sites that would be difficult to develop according to conventional standard because of the shape, size, abutting development, accessibility, or other features of the site.
      (5)   Providing enhanced housing, employment, and shopping opportunities.
      (6)   Providing a development framework that promotes appropriate business activity that significantly improves the economic viability of the city.
      (7)   Ensuring compatibility of design and function between neighboring properties.
      (8)   Encouraging development that is consistent with the city's Master Plan.
   (B)   These Planned Development regulations are not intended as a device for ignoring the more specific standards in this chapter, or the planning upon which the standards are based. Rather, these provisions are intended to result in development that is substantially consistent with the zoning standards generally applied to the proposed uses, but allowing for modifications to the general standards to assure a superior quality of development.
(Ord. 92-005, passed 2-17-92)