§ 112.64 SIGNS.
   (A)   One sign may be erected advertising a sale on the premises of the sale. The sign shall not be in excess of four square feet and shall not be artificially illuminated. Two other signs may be erected within the right-of-way, but not including the traveled portion of a main thoroughfare of the city within a half-mile radius of the sale during the period of the sale as hereinbefore provided. Under no circumstances shall any signs be attached to any tree, traffic-control device, street sign, or utility pole on any public right-of-way or land either by nail, screw, wire, cord, or by any manner whatsoever.
(‘83 Code, § 99.07)
   (B)   No sign placed for advertising any sale as described herein shall be allowed to remain erected or displayed for a period longer than 24 hours after the sale is terminated. The applicant for the required permit shall be responsible for the removal of all signs within the time limit of this section. (‘83 Code, § 99.08)
(Ord. 76-014, passed 12-20-76) Penalty, see § 10.99