The general standards herein as to the qualifications of every applicant for a city license shall be considered and applied by the City License Officer. In making such a determination, the City License Officer shall consider the following.
   (A)   History/relevant facts.
      (1)   Any criminal convictions and reasons therefore, of the applicant.
      (2)   The license history of the applicant; whether the person, in previously operating in this or another state, has ever had a license revoked or suspended, the reasons therefor, and the demeanor of the applicant subsequent to that action.
      (3)   Any other facts relevant to the general personal history of the applicant as the City Licensing Officer shall find necessary to a fair determination of the eligibility of the applicant.
      (4)   Applicant shall be in compliance with all county and state regulations relevant to the business in which the applicant is engaged and furnish proof of same.
   (B)   Non-default. The applicant shall not be in default under the provisions of this chapter or indebted or obligated in any manner to the city except for current taxes. Such debt includes the late payment of city property taxes, personal property taxes, water bills, code enforcement tickets, Building Department permits, and other such debts.
   (C)   Building/zoning compliance. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm, or corporation, to hereafter occupy or reoccupy, or for any owner or agent to permit the occupation or reoccupation of any building or addition thereto, for commercial and industrial purposes, until a certificate of occupancy has been issued by the Building Department. The certificate of occupancy shall state that the occupancy complies with all the provisions of the within chapter, as amended, and all other applicable codes and ordinances of the city. This section shall not apply to any occupancy in existence at the time of the adoption of this section.
(‘83 Code, § 110.05) (Ord. 81-024, passed 9-8-81; Am. Ord. 94-001, passed 4-11-94; Am. Ord. 21-002, passed 2-8-21)