(A)   It shall be unlawful for any person to perform major trimming or removal of any tree in the tree lawn without first providing to the Tree Commission or its designee satisfactory evidence of significant experience or license or other qualification as an arborist or professional in the field of trimming trees, specifically including adequate liability insurance to cover the risk of loss, damage or injury to persons or property within the village associated with the specific work to be performed. Determination of such qualifications shall be made in the first instance by the Village Administrator as the designee of the Tree Commission, with any such determination subject to review by the full Commission upon request of any member of the Commission, the Village Administrator, or any person determined by the Administrator to lack a satisfactory level of qualifications to perform such actions.
   (B)   In making the foregoing determination or with regard to other determinations called for under this subchapter, the Commission may request and receive any appropriate information, cooperation, assistance or studies from any village department, board, committee, agency or commission and any county, township, department, board, agency or commission, and further may consult technical experts or other persons as may be required to assist in the performance of the enumerated duties and powers or for such other tasks as Council may require. In the event Council makes appropriations available for such purpose, the experts or persons may be hired or paid for their services. The Commission may also accept grants, gifts, bequests on behalf of the village and may make applications for, receive and administer such from governmental or private entities consistent with the purposes of this subchapter.
(Ord. 2002-07, passed 9-3-2002) Penalty, see § 91.99