For the purpose of this subchapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   MAJOR TRIMMING. Removal of more than 20% of the tree volume (exclusive of dead wood) or the removal of portions of the tree, without regard to the percentage or portion removed, which requires the use of a ladder or mechanical lifting device for leaving the ground.
   MINOR TRIMMING. The removal of 20% or less of the tree volume, (exclusive of dead wood) in the tree lawn, or the removal of portions of the tree constituting such percentage as may be reached from the ground without the use of ladders or mechanical lifting devices.
   OVERHANGING. The portion of a tree or shrubbery which extends into or above the tree lawn. Also included in this definition is any portion of a tree or shrubbery which has fallen into the roadway or the tree lawn as a result of wind or storm damage or other damage by means beyond the control of the property owner.
   REMOVAL. Removal of the entire tree, and for purposes of cost assessment pursuant to the provisions of this subchapter shall include removal of the stump and filling in the void left thereby to at least grade level, as well as the planting of grass, or, at the option and expense of the property owner, such additional landscaping as may be desired
   TREE COMMISSION. A five-member commission established under § 91.01 and the Village Administrator shall be the designee specified herein unless or until some other person is so designated by action of the Commission.
   TREE LAWN. As village right-of-way between the back side of the curb or edge of pavement and the street side of the sidewalk, where sidewalks have been or are installed, or that portion of the property immediately adjacent to the paved roadway and within the village right-of-way in those areas in which no sidewalks have been installed.
   TREE PLANTING. The use of trees as landscaping.
(Ord. 2002-07, passed 9-3-2002)