(A)   Objective. Development or use of land within the village should not result in excessive airborne nuisances such as dust, fumes, vapors, gases and odors.
   (B)   Standards.
      (1)   Emission of smoke, dust, dirt, fly ash or other particulate matter, or of noxious, toxic or corrosive fumes, vapors or gases in such quantities as to be evident or perceptible at the property line of any lot on which a use is conducted, or which could be injurious to human health, animals or vegetation; detrimental to the enjoyment of adjoining or nearby properties; or which could soil or stain persons or property, at any point beyond the lot line of the property creating that emission shall not be permitted.
      (2)   No land use or establishment shall be permitted to produce harmful, offensive or bothersome odors, scents or aromas, (such as, but not limited to, those produced by manufacturing processes, food preparation, food processing, food sales, rendering, fermentation processes, decaying organic matter and/or incinerators) perceptible beyond that use’s lot lines, either at ground or other habitable elevation. The location and vertical height of all exhaust fans, vents, chimneys or any other sources discharging or emitting smoke, fumes, gases, vapors, odors, scents or aromas shall be indicated on all plans for new development or uses including a description of the source of such and the anticipated frequency and/or duration thereof.
(Ord. 1999-07, passed 9-6-1999) Penalty, see § 151.99