It is unlawful for a person to confine any wild or domestic fowl or birds unless provisions are made by such person for the proper feeding and the furnishing of water to such fowl or birds at intervals not longer than twelve (12) hours. No person shall impound wild or domestic fowl or birds in a crate, box or other enclosure unless such fowl or bird is in a natural erect position unless such position causes injury or damage to the fowl or bird. (Ord. 2012-10, 11-13-2012)
A. No person shall attack, assault or in any way threaten or interfere with the animal protection officer in the performance of the duties required by this chapter.
B. No person shall conceal one's true name or identity or disguise oneself with the intent to obstruct due execution of the law or with the intent to intimidate, hinder or interrupt an animal protection officer in the legal performance of his or her duties.
C. No person shall interfere with or tamper with any equipment used by animal protection officers, including release of animals contained in such equipment.
D. No person shall engage in conduct that would agitate, obstruct, oppose, or distract an animal protection officer in the legal performance of his or her duties. (Ord. 2012-10, 11-13-2012)
A. It is unlawful for a person to have, keep or harbor an animal which is seriously sick or injured, including starvation, without providing proper veterinary care.
B. The City Manager may require the owner to provide a letter of health evaluation from a licensed veterinarian describing the condition of the animal and the treatment provided. The Animal Control Division may evaluate the condition of an animal.
C. In the absence of proper veterinary care, the City Manager may impound such a seriously sick or injured animal in accordance with the provisions of this chapter.
D. Any such animal impounded may be destroyed humanely or otherwise disposed of according to the normal procedures of the impound facility as soon thereafter as is conveniently possible. (Ord. 2012-10, 11-13-2012)
A. It is unlawful to keep, harbor or maintain within the City limits any horses, mules, burros, cows, pigs, goats, sheep, swine and all other domesticated animals used in the production of food, or other products except as provided in Rural Residential (RR) Zoning Districts.
B. It is unlawful to keep fowl except as provided in subsection C of this section.
C. Backyard chicken hens (chickens kept on a residential lot), are allowed under the following conditions, however, all other poultry or fowl prohibited. No person may own or keep any other fowl, including ducks, quail, geese, turkeys, pigeons or peacocks.
1. No more than four (4) backyard chicken hens are permitted per lot. Roosters are prohibited.
2. Backyard chicken hens are restricted to the rear or backyard of any lot in the Rural Residential (RR) and Single-Family Residential, Detached (SFR) Zoning Districts. Backyard chicken hens may not free range and are restricted to the coop and run.
3. All backyard chicken hen coops shall meet the following requirements:
a. Be predator-proof with a solid top.
b. Provide water at all times.
c. Are limited to a maximum of one hundred twenty (120) square feet (includes coop space and chicken run).
d. Provide at least four (4) square feet of space per chicken hen for the coop and run.
e. Be no taller than seven feet (7') at the highest point of the roof.
f. Be at least ten feet (10') from any other structure and at least five feet (5') from any side or rear property line.
g. All coops shall be regularly cleaned to control dust, odor, and waste and not constitute a nuisance, safety hazard, or health problem to surrounding properties.
4. Backyard chicken hens are only allowed in SFR and RR Zoning Districts and in such districts shall not be deemed as "agricultural operations" as may be stated in other section of this Code. Any person that owns or maintains backyard chicken hens is required to obtain a permit from the Animal Control Division. There shall be no charge to obtain the permit. The permit will remain effective for so long as the applicant owns or maintains chicken hens at the location listed on the permit. The permit shall list the requirements contained in this section to own or maintain chickens.
5. Nothing herein shall permit keeping an animal, as the laws and regulations of the State of New Mexico or the United States otherwise prohibit or restrict.
6. Keeping of backyard chicken hens are subject to this Code's nuisance provisions, which shall supersede and take precedence over this provision of this chapter. (Ord. 2018-17, 11-13-2018)