A.   Misdemeanor: Any person violating section 4-4-2 of this chapter shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be fined or sentenced to jail:
      1.   For class A littering, one hundred dollars ($100.00) to five hundred dollars ($500.00), or four (4) to twenty (20) days' imprisonment;
      2.   For class B littering, fifty dollars ($50.00) to one hundred dollars ($100.00), or two (2) to four (4) days' imprisonment;
      3.   For class C littering, twenty five dollars ($25.00) to fifty dollars ($50.00), or one to two (2) days' imprisonment;
      4.   For class D littering, ten dollars ($10.00) to twenty five dollars ($25.00), or one to two (2) days' imprisonment;
      5.   For Class E littering, five dollars ($5.00) or one day imprisonment. (Ord. C66-190, 7-28-1981; amd. 2006 Code)
   B.   Voluntary Alternative To Penalty: At the discretion of the municipal judge, any fine or jail sentence may be suspended upon condition that the offender voluntarily assist in supervised litter cleanup or weed control in the city. Four (4) hours of assistance shall take the place of twenty four (24) hours of ordered confinement or twenty five dollars ($25.00) of assessed fine. (Ord. C66-190, 7-28-1981)