A.   Voluntary Stipulation: The city and any defendants to an action under this section 4-1-5 may voluntarily stipulate to temporary restraining orders, seizures, closures, receiverships, forfeitures, destruction, judgments, liens, and other remedies, temporary or permanent, that are different or altered from the remedies provided in this section 4-1-5, including, but not limited to, the following:
      1.   Shorter or less stringent temporary restraining orders, closures and receiverships.
      2.   Receiverships on other terms, including, but not limited to, terms providing for the payment of secured indebtedness on the subject property, removal or substitution of the receiver, and other terms.
      3.   Nondestruction of buildings, other structures, vehicles and other personal property.
      4.   Release of seized real property to the party currently entitled to possession, or to an agent, manager, or receiver appointed under the stipulation, after the public nuisance has been fully abated, steps have been taken to prevent public nuisances from recurring, sufficient action has been taken to deter public nuisances, and the public interest is protected, or a suitable plan to accomplish these goals has been agreed to.
      5.   Reduction or waiver of civil judgments and liens.
      6.   Other reasonable stipulations designed to abate the public nuisance, prevent public nuisances from recurring, deter public nuisance activity, and protect the public interest.
   B.   Court Order: Any stipulations for alternative remedies shall be made by an order of the court. (Ord. 2012-4, 6-12-2012)