As used in this chapter:
     (a)    "Deadly weapon" means any instrument, device or thing capable of inflicting death, and designed or specially adapted for use as a weapon, or possessed, carried or used as a weapon. It shall not mean a firearm as defined in Ohio R.C. 2923.11 nor any component of or ammunition for the same.
   (b)   "Explosive device" means any device designed or specially adapted to cause physical harm to persons or property by means of an explosion, and consisting of an explosive substance or agency and a means to detonate it. "Explosive device" includes without limitation any bomb, any explosive demolition device, any blasting cap or detonator containing an explosive charge, and any pressure vessel that has been knowingly tampered with or arranged so as to explode. It shall not mean a firearm as defined in Ohio R.C. 2923.11 nor any component of or ammunition for the same.
   (c)   "Incendiary device" means any firebomb, and any device designed or specially adapted to cause physical harm to persons or property by means of fire, and consisting of an incendiary substance or agency and a means to ignite it. It shall not mean a firearm as defined in Ohio R.C. 2923.11 nor any component of or ammunition for the same.
   (d)    "Ballistic knife" means a knife with a detachable blade that is propelled by a spring-operated mechanism.
   (e)    "Dangerous ordnance" means any of the following, except as provided in subsection (f) hereof:
      (1)    Any explosive device or incendiary device;
      (2)    Nitroglycerin, nitrocellulose, nitrostarch, PETN, cyclonite, TNT, picric acid and other high explosives; amatol, tritonal, tetrytol, pentolite, pecretol, cyclotol and other high explosive compositions; plastic explosives; dynamite, blasting gelatin, gelatin dynamite, sensitized ammonium nitrate, liquid-oxygen blasting explosives, blasting powder and other blasting agents; and any other explosive substance having sufficient brisance or power to be particularly suitable for use as a military explosive, or for use in mining, quarrying, excavating or demolitions.
      (3)    Any rocket launcher, mortar, artillery piece, grenade, mine, bomb, torpedo, or other weapon, designed and manufactured for military purposes, and the ammunition for that weapon.
   (f)    "Dangerous ordnance" does not include any of the following:
      (1)   Any firearm as defined in Ohio R.C. 2923.11 nor any component of or ammunition for the same.
      (2)    Any cannon or other artillery piece that, regardless of its actual age, is of a type in accepted use prior to 1887, has no mechanical, hydraulic, pneumatic or other system for absorbing recoil and returning the tube into battery without displacing the carriage, and is designed and safe for use only with black powder;
      (3)    Black powder, priming quills and percussion caps possessed and lawfully used to fire a cannon of a type defined in subsection (f)(2) hereof during displays, celebrations, organized matches or shoots, and target practice, and smokeless and black powder, primers and percussion caps possessed and lawfully used as a propellant or ignition device in small-arms or small-arms ammunition;
            (4)    Dangerous ordnance that is inoperable or inert and cannot readily be rendered operable or activated, and that is kept as a trophy, souvenir, curio or museum piece.
            (5)    Any device that is expressly excepted from the definition of a destructive device pursuant to the "Gun Control Act of 1968," 82 Stat. 1213, 18 U.S.C.921(a)(4), as amended, and regulations issued under that Act.
      (g)    "Explosive" means any chemical compound, mixture, or device, the primary or common purpose of which is to function by explosion. "Explosive" includes all materials that have been classified as division 1.1, division 1.2, division 1.3, or division 1.4 explosives by the United States Department of Transportation in its regulations and includes, but is not limited to, dynamite, black powder, pellet powders, initiating explosives, blasting caps, electric blasting caps, safety fuses, fuse igniters, squibs, cordeau detonant fuses, instantaneous fuses, and igniter cords and igniters. "Explosive" does not include "fireworks", as defined in Ohio R.C. 3743.01, or any substance or material otherwise meeting the definition of explosive set forth in this section that is manufactured, sold, possessed, transported, stored or used in any activity described in Ohio R.C. 3743.80, provided the activity is conducted in accordance with all applicable laws, rules and regulations, including, but not limited to, the provisions of Ohio R.C. 3743.80, and the rules of the Fire Marshal adopted pursuant to Ohio R.C. 3737.82. "Explosive" shall not mean a firearm as defined in Ohio R.C. 2923.11 nor any component of or ammunition for the same.
      (Ord. 2019-76. Passed 11-26-19.)