The following standards for the arrangement and development of land and buildings are required in the R-1D District. This set of development standards shall have precedence and shall supersede all conflicting provisions of this Chapter.
(a) Minimum Lot Area. The minimum lot area shall be 5,000 square feet.
(b) Minimum Lot Width. Forty-five (45) feet of lot width with frontage on a publicly dedicated, improved street or highway.
(c) Minimum Front Yard. Twenty (20) feet, or the least of the front yards of the four (4) most proximate principal structures (including porches) on the same side of the street facing thereon, whichever is less. For purposes of this Section, the least front yard used as a reference shall not have been allowed by a previous variance. In no case shall any front yard be less than ten (10) feet.
(d) Minimum Side Yard Width. Seven-and-one-half (7 ½) feet; Ten (10) feet adjacent to a street. On existing lots of record of sixty (60) feet of lot width or less, the side yard shall be six (6) feet, or the least of the side yards of the four (4) most proximate principal structures on the same side of the street thereon, whichever is less. For purposes of this Section, the side yard used as a reference shall not have been allowed by a previous variance. In no case shall any side yard that abuts a street be less than twelve (12) feet.
(e) Minimum Rear Yard Depth. Twenty (20) feet.
(f) Minimum Lot Coverage. Detached dwelling units and their accessory buildings shall not occupy more than forty percent (40%) of any individual lot.
(g) Garages. All garages shall be located within the rear yard except as provided in Section 1137.05. (Ord. 2019-23. Passed 4-23-19.)