The Mayor is the chief administrative officer and chief executive officer of the City.
   The Mayor shall:
   (a)   Appoint and remove all officers and employees.
   (b)   The Mayor or his designee shall execute on behalf of the City all contracts, conveyances, evidence of indebtedness and all other instruments to which the City is party.
   (c)   Appoint, with approval of Council, such citizen advisory committees, commissions and boards, as seem to him desirable and discharge them when in his judgment their function has been completely served.
   (d)   Attend all meetings of Council with the right to participate in discussion and bring matters to the attention of Council, but without the right to vote.
   (e)   Create and establish and discontinue any department, division or board in the administrative affairs of the City, subject to Council approval and provided that changes are in conformance with provisions of State law.
   (f)   Recommend any legislation for adoption by Council, or recommend the repeal of obsolete legislation.
   (g)   Prepare and submit to Council, the annual budget and appropriations ordinance accompanied by a five year capital improvement program based on goals adopted by Council.
   (h)   Prepare and submit to Council and to the public an annual report including, but not limited to, the financial and administrative affairs and activities of the City for the preceding year, and a plan for goals and accomplishments for the coming year.
   (i)   Continually advise Council on the financial condition and future needs of the City and make such recommendations as may seem desirable.
   (j)   Develop and keep current an administrative code which shall set forth the organizational and operational procedures of the City government. Such an administrative code shall include, but not be limited to, departmental rules, purchasing procedures, personnel rules, risk management, classification and pay plan procedures, etc.
   (k)   The Safety-Service Director shall act as purchasing agent for the City.
   (l)   Make such other reports requested by Council on the operations of the City.
   (m)   Perform such other duties requested of him by Council that are consistent with the laws of Ohio.
      (Ord. 86-5556. Passed 7-1-86.)