(a) Water lines shall be designed, sized and constructed so as to be in conformance with the City Standard Plans and Specifications. Fire hydrants shall be located, so that adequate fire flow to each structure, based on the current guidelines of the Insurance Services Office (ISO) can be met, but, no case shall be more than 350 feet, or as required by the Galion Fire Department.
(b) Water lines should be located within the street right-of-way, except under special circumstances, when this requirement may be waived by the Planning Commission.
(c) The standard minimum size of water mains shall be eight inches (8"). If larger line sizes are required to accommodate future growth, or to provide for fire flows in excess of those required for the proposed development, the City may participate in costs for the size increase, in accordance with the procedures of Chapter 1191 of this Ordinance.
(d) Minimum cover for water lines shall be forty-eight inches (48"). Water mains shall be laid so that at least ten feet (10') of horizontal distance and eighteen inches (18") vertical distance is maintained between the water main and any sanitary or storm water sewer line. In cases where ten feet (10') of horizontal distance cannot be maintained, such as a crossing, the vertical distance shall be maintained and such sewer lines shall be constructed of water line material. At crossings, one full length of water pipe should be used so both joints will be as far away from the sewer line as possible.
(Ord. 2009-85. Passed 12-8-09.)