(a)   The Owner/Developer shall use adequate measures to minimize erosion and its impacts during subdivision construction activity. The City Engineer shall have the authority to require detailed erosion and sedimentation plans be submitted if it is determined that the size and/or scale of the proposed subdivision warrants such action. Generally, such a plan shall be required for, but not limited to, major subdivisions where the total area of the subdivision is more than one (1) acre in size, or if the subdivision is located where average slope exceeds five percent (5%). In addition, the Mayor shall have the authority to require erosion and sedimentation plans for any established lot where development is proposed to occur.
   (b)   Erosion and sedimentation plans shall be prepared by a Professional Engineer, and indicate the techniques to be used to control erosion both during construction and permanently, and include a schedule for installing same. Erosion control plans shall be based on the control of erosion on-site, with the objective of eliminating or minimizing erosion and sedimentation impacts off-site. Techniques, devices and/or measures used shall be reviewed and approved by the City Engineer.
   (c)   All erosion and sedimentation control devices shall be in place at the start of construction activity.
(Ord. 2009-85. Passed 12-8-09.)