The design of the subdivision shall be based on an analysis of environmental characteristics of the site. To the maximum extent possible, development shall be located so as to:
   •    Preserve the natural features of the site,
   •    Avoid areas of environmental sensitivity, and
   •    Minimize negative impacts on and alteration of natural features.
   The following specific areas should be preserved as undeveloped open space, to the extent consistent with reasonable utilization of the land:
   (a)   Wetlands, as defined in Section 404, Federal Water Pollution Control Act Amendments of 1972, subject to field verification by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, or other agency authorized to make such determination;
   (b)   Lands subject to flooding, pursuant to Section 1193.03 below;
   (c)   Slopes in excess of fifteen percent (15%) unless appropriate engineering methods are employed to address erosion, stability and resident safety;
   (d)   Historically significant structures and/or sites as listed, or eligible for inclusion, on the National Register of Historic Places;
      (Ord. 2009-85. Passed 12-8-09.)