An application for preliminary planned unit development shall be filed with the Planning Commission by at least one (1) owner of the property for which the planned unit development is proposed. The preliminary plan must cover the entire contiguous ownership of the applicant unless the applicant specifically states in writing that he/she does not intend to develop the withheld portion of the tract for at least five (5) years. At a minimum, the application shall contain the following information and material:
(a)   Name, address, and phone number of applicant.
(b)   Legal description of property.
(c)   Description of existing use.
(d)   Present and proposed zoning district(s).
   (e)   A vicinity map at a suitable scale, showing property lines, streets, existing and proposed zoning for all property adjacent to and within 200 feet from the proposed site.
   (f)   A list of all property owners within 200 feet from the proposed site, and their address as appearing on the Crawford County Auditor's current tax list.
   (g)   Proposed schedule for the development of the site.
   (h)   Evidence that the applicant has sufficient control over the land in question to effectuate the proposed development plan.
   (i)   A Preliminary Development Plan drawn to scale, prepared by a registered architect, registered engineer and/or registered landscape architect. Such plan shall contain the following information at a minimum:
      (1)   Selected uses by area or specific building location, allocation of land use by type as measured in acres, adjacent existing land use, right-of-way, and relationship to adjacent land use
      (2)   General location of thoroughfares, including type, as well as location and size measured in number of parking spaces for all off-street parking areas, including curb cuts.
      (3)   Open space and the intended uses therein and acreage provided
      (4)   Residential land uses summarized by lot size, dwelling type and density.
      (5)   Existing and proposed roads, buildings, utilities, permanent facilities, easements, rights-of-way and abutting property boundaries.
      (6)   Physical features and natural conditions of the site including soils, the location of vegetation and existing tree lines.
      (7)   Surface drainage and areas subject to flooding.
      (8)   Preliminary plan for water, sewer, storm drainage and other utility systems, as well as a general analysis by a Professional Engineer attesting to the general engineering feasibility of the project, as proposed.
         (Ord. 2009-85. Passed 12-8-09.)