The City of Galion is prepared to accept a higher density in undeveloped areas than that reflected by current zoning, provided the developer can utilize planned unit development techniques to demonstrate that any increment of public cost clearly attributable to increased densities will be compensated for by the private amenities and public benefits to be achieved by the plan of development.
The overall maximum density of the residential portions of the entire planned unit development shall be consistent with the most previous zoning classification in which the tract was located. The calculation of such density shall be based on the number of proposed dwelling units divided by the area of the site designated for residential use, excluding streets, rights-of-way and parking areas.
Notwithstanding the above, individual portions of the planned unit development may be developed at a higher residential density, provided the overall density meets the requirements above. In such cases, the resulting undeveloped land may be utilized as common open space.
(Ord. 2009-85. Passed 12-8-09.)