Conditional uses may be appropriate within the IP District, but require more detailed evaluation with respect to location, design, size, method and hours of operation, intensity of use, traffic generation and potential impact on surrounding uses. It is the responsibility of the Planning Commission to perform this evaluation, based on analysis of a required Site Plan and to attach such necessary and appropriate conditions and/or safeguards. Conditional uses within the IP District shall consist of the following:
   (a)   Retail sales and service, consisting of firms involved with the sale, lease or rent of products or goods to the general public and/or providing on-site product repair or services for such goods.
   (b)   Vehicle sales and/or service, consisting of firms servicing automobiles, trucks and other commercial and/or consumer vehicles, including motorcycles, boats and/or recreational vehicles.
   (c)   Contractor equipment and storage yards, provided adequate fencing and screening devices are installed.
   (d)   Telecommunications towers, subject to the requirements of Section 1175.07 of this Ordinance
   (e)   Similar business uses meeting the objectives and standards of the Industrial Park District, as determined by the Planning Commission.
      (Ord. 2009-85. Passed 12-8-09.)