(a) General office activities, consisting of facilities where activities are conducted in an office setting and generally focus on business services.
(b) Personal services, consisting of firms providing personal services or entertainment to the general public, including restaurants, banks and/or savings and loans, credit unions, hotels or motels, medical and related offices, and similar establishments.
(c) Manufacturing, compounding, processing, assembling, packaging, or treatment of goods, materials, and products.
(d) Warehousing and distribution, consisting of firms involved with the storage and/or movement of goods.
(e) Industrial product sales or service, consisting of firms engaged in the sale, rent or lease of products intended for industrial or commercial users, or the repair and/or servicing of industrial or commercial machinery, equipment or products.
(f) Similar uses, as determined by the Planning Commission in accordance with the provisions of Section 1127.02(e) of this Ordinance, and the purpose of the IP District.
(Ord. 2009-85. Passed 12-8-09.)