(a) Site Plan. A Site Plan shall be required for all conditional uses and all permitted uses with a gross floor areas of over 20,000 square feet. The Site Plan shall be approved by the Code Inspector prior to issuance of a zoning permit.
(b) Minimum Lot Area. No minimum lot area is required; however, lot area shall be adequate to provide for the required parking and yard areas.
(c) Minimum Lot Width. 100 feet of frontage on a publicly dedicated and improved street or highway.
(d) Minimum Front Yard Depth. Forty (40) feet.
(e) Minimum Side Yard.
(1) When abutting a non-residential zoning district: Twenty (20) feet for structures, ten (10) feet for paved areas.
(2) When abutting a residential zoning district: Forty (40) feet for structures, thirty-five (35) feet for paved areas.
(f) Minimum Rear Yard.
(1) When abutting a non-residential zoning district: Thirty (30) feet for structures, ten (10) feet for paved areas.
(2) When abutting a residential zoning district: Fifty (50) feet for structures, thirty-five (35) feet for paved areas.
(g) Building Height. Thirty-five (35) feet.
(i) Landscaping/Screening. If side or rear yards are adjacent to property in which single family residences are a permitted use, the screening of such yards shall be required. Such landscaping shall consist of walls, fences, mounding, natural vegetation or a combination of these elements to meet the requirements of Chapter 1177 of this Ordinance.
(j) Trash and Garbage Control. All trash and garbage shall be stored in container systems which are located and enclosed so as to effectively screen them from view.
(Ord. 2009-85. Passed 12-8-09.)