(a)   Administrative and business offices not carrying on retail trade with the public and having no stock of goods maintained for sale to customers including:
      (1)   Insurance agents and brokers and associated services.
      (2)   Professional, legal, engineering and architectural services, not including the outside storage or equipment.
      (3)   Accounting, auditing and other bookkeeping services.
   (b)   Retail Stores primarily engaged in selling merchandise for personal or household consumption including:
      (1)   Food and food products, consisting of grocery, meat, fish, fruit or vegetable markets or combinations thereof.
      (2)   General merchandise, including limited price variety stores and other similar stores selling a variety of general merchandise.
      (3)   Similar retail stores selling specialty goods, including drug stores, hardware and home repair goods, gift and novelty stores, etc.
   (c)   Personal Services, involving the care of the person and his/her personal effects, including consumer services generally involving the care and maintenance of tangible property or the provision of tangible services for personal consumption including:
      (1)   Restaurants and taverns,
      (2)   Banks, savings and loans, and credit agencies.
      (3)   Barber and beauty shops.
      (4)   Self-service laundries and/or dry-cleaning establishments.
      (5)   Human medical and/or dental clinics.
      (6)   Funeral services.
   (d)   Business Services engaged in the providing of services to business establishments on a fee or contract basis, consulting services, protective services, office equipment rental, lease or purchase, commercial research and development.
   (e)   Commercial recreational facilities such as community and public swimming pools, skating rinks, bowling alleys, physical fitness centers.
   (f)   Lumber and home improvement sales.
   (g)   Motor vehicle sales.
   (h)   Hotels and motels.
   (i)   Garden centers.
   (j)   Carry out food and beverage establishments with drive-through facilities.
   (k)   Medical offices and clinics, including nursing and/or convalescent facilities.
   (l)   Similar uses, as determined by the Planning Commission, in accordance with the provisions by Section 1127.02(e) of this Ordinance.
(Ord. 2009-85. Passed 12-8-09.)