(a)   Site Plan. A Site Plan, pursuant to the provisions of Section 1127.02(g) of this Ordinance shall be required. Such Plan shall document how the provisions of this Section shall be met. The Site Plan shall be approved by the Code Inspector prior to issuance of a zoning permit and may be subject to approval by the Planning Commission.
   (b)   Hours. Activities shall be conducted principally between 6:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m.
   (c)   Traffic Circulation. Ingress, egress and traffic circulation on the site shall be managed so as to minimize impacts on adjacent properties. No traffic lane shall be located less than twenty (20) feet from any adjacent residential property.
   (d)   Appearance. Structures shall maintain a residential appearance and be compatible with surrounding residences in size and scale.
   (e)   Lighting. Lighting shall be limited to those types customarily found in residential neighborhoods. Any exterior lighting shall be arranged so as not to shine on adjacent properties.
   (f)   Signage. Exterior signage shall be limited to a single sign not more than twelve (12) square feet in area, identifying the business. No signs shall be internally illuminated.
   (g)   Storage. Storage of materials and equipment shall be within enclosed structures.
   (h)   Parking. Sufficient off-street parking shall be provided as specified in Chapter 1179. All parking shall be provided in designated areas in rear yards.
   (i)   Landscaping and Screening. The landscaping and screening of side and rear yards, including any parking areas, shall be required so as to meet the provisions of Chapter 1177.
(Ord. 2009-85. Passed 12-8-09.)